Gear for beginners

Now that’s a list worthy of an ADF Quartermaster / Armourer. :exploding_head:

I’m guessing you’re either a Virgo, Capricorn or a Pisces? :wink:

Its a list built from your suggestions earlyer in this thread and just a more orginised version then the one i made in note pad into my main note taking app with extra options incase the first are out of stock.

Your post Gear for beginners - #8 by DocBob

The list i built off your suggestions Gear for beginners - #12 by saph

Tip for large well developed players. Use a plate carrier for overall protection of forward facing upper surfaces. A chest rig might be lighter but exposes a significant amount of target material

Example of plate carrier coverage

Anyone wants help with kit more on the historical side lmk (mostly Viet era)