Recent purchases

bought a used samsung gear vr headset for about $60 including shipping.

$60 just to tear it down and salvage the lenses.

took a page out of exakel’s book,

grabbed an m16 keyring from x-force as well on sale, bargain

but the m16’s extremely long and bulky for a keychain so it’s hanging from a hook on the wall instead lol

Very nice mate!
I thought the same thing about the length of the M16 when I seen it lined up with the other models available.

Probably would sell twice as many if they shortened it down a bit. :thinking:

Goatguns plz I want goatguns.

that’s why I grabbed the Thompson, classic

Looks amazing I must admit that Chicago Typewriter :ok_hand:

Drum mag would have been perfect, but that’s gonna put a much more uncomfortable lump in ya pocket than a stick mag! :flushed:

You try and tell an American that :rofl: I dare you :laughing:

Tempted to order more G34s in different colour schemes.

About time it moved.