Retailers, Ranked

Isn’t FTB UAV ME? A google search of FTB takes you to the UAV ME page. :person_shrugging:

Yes - same company UAV was/is drone business

Another happy TaccyToys customer on Reddit:

*”Tac Toys

Hannah, you can take your 7 days inspection policy on returns and shove it square up your fuckin ass. I WANT MY FUCKING MONEY BACK BITCH!

So I bought a 3DG G17, weeks ago now, charged it, dry fired it, loaded it with gells then it fizzled in smoke in my hands immediately. I yanked the battery free and the whole thing is cooked. Tried to contact support but as the clock struck 4:55pm on a friday, I was neveer getting through as the “line was unavailable” as usual.

Took photos and demanded a refund from tactoys, they said send it back. Well I did that, they recieved it days ago, and since having to call the “customer support line” (ought to call it customer refusal line) over 10 times again to get through as they have no call waiting system, you just have to keep calling and hope youre the lucky bastard to get through next in a game of stupidity, only to be told “sorry policy says you have to wait 7 days”.

Sorry actually no, any refund requested within 7 days of purchase in AUSTRALIA is to be honoured without question, especially seeing as the product is CLEARLY FAULTY and HAS BEEN DEMONSTRATED ADEQUATELY to you, a refund should have been made immediately.

So instead of making your customers feel safe when making purchases with your company, maybe continue trying to push your no refund policy by throwing this in an email again after requesting one and you saying you have provided me with my options;;

“IMPORTANT: If the product has a minor fault, we will repair or replace it. For major manufacturing faults, we offer a new and tested replacement or store credit. If no issue is found, a warranty claim may not be applicable, and a re-dispatch fee may be required. Additionally, modifying or altering the blaster voids the warranty.”

Let me clear that up for anyone else, if your shits broke, we will “pretend to test a blaster and then send it to you”, or you can get store credit, there is NO REFUND OPTION and they do everything they can to make you feel its not a choice oh and also try to state that YOU may be held liable to stocking and shipping fees. Fuck that with a can of mace. What theyre doing here is illegal and thats why the moment you push them, they cant say no and wont ever for fear you will actually pay the 600$ to start a ACCC claim because they know who will win.

Can I not even pull it apart and hydrodip it like you mention on your website without voiding a warranty? Sorry no, make up your mind, your advertising material doesnt line up with your policies. Oh theres no choice for a refund because its not your policy?
This is australia, you dont get a fucking choice in the matter, we as consumers have rights and it seems every one of your businesses policies are designed to try and take those away from your clients.

Frankly the business should be audited and shut the fuck down by the ACCC given the history and current actions of this business. Fuckin BikeScooterCity clone.

Their reputation is well earned, I will NEVER be buying from TacToys again and will be openly boycotting them from now on. FUCK YOU HANNAH, FUCK YOU TACTOYS, FUCK YOU NGUYENS AND YOUR BULLSHIT BUSINESS PRACTISES. Corey wasnt even half the problem with that store.

P.S, if im left waiting ill be moving this review to your google page TacToys. Lets be honest, this ones going to pop up a few time.

P.P.S Hannah, lipos require safe disposal practises, they dont just get tossed in the bin.”*


Well what can I say. A pile of shit blaster combined with a pile of shit retailer… equals lots of shit. Some people never learn. Or read. Or take advice. No need to rage an employee when it’s your own fault for not researching what shit you are about to step in to.

Definitely agree, especially when the OP had prior history about Taccy Toys and a small amount of Gelblaster knowledge……… should have known better than to play this game and expect 5 star service from them :thinking:

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Well I had a laugh when I got to this bit :joy:

“My god you’re an A-grade fuckwit. Not even worth arguing with.”

:rofl: :rofl:

Yeah, I’ve been converted.

Lately I’ve had a bit to say about Tac Toys, mostly good, based on my recent purchases from them.

Seems like a leopard really can’t change it’s spots… they’re back on my shit list after reading this post. Back to the old practices of stiffing the customer, not honouring warranties, using illegal trading practices and making up trade regulations to suit themselves… and doing it all with the arrogance they’re renowned for.

I really thought they might have turned the corner and lifted their game in an attempt to shake off the stigma of their old reputation.

Seems I was wrong.

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You would of bought items that you were fairly confident in working through a bit of reading though.

Not the 3DG that thing has been problematic from day 1. They should’ve stopped selling that pile of junk years ago. Some worked but from what I read they were hit and miss.

Still they should have refunded upon return for faulty product.

Wonder if they are still using Corey’s Phillipines based call centre?

There’s another good article that I will try to find and share here regarding a bit of insider experience :+1:

Found it! :+1:
This article was posted 12 months ago, so not hot off the press, but a good insight nonetheless……… especially if Hannah is still one of the two Admin Girls mentioned in this post :thinking:

“A little insight into the most hated Australian distributor

Yes, this is a revenge post. Get over it.

Gather round children, and I’ll tell you about the monster that everyone hates. That’s right, Tactoys. As the recently fired warehouse manager, I felt it’s time the community know a bit about how justified their hatred of the company really is.

So the guy who owns the company is a guy named Dave. That’s all I got while I was there. He loves to flash his money around apparently, has multiple supercars etc. He’s made his fortune simply through import/export of the cheapest shit he can get from China.

But he has no understanding of how a business works on an operational level. Unfortunately, he also is a massive recluse with serious trust issues, and refuses to give the workers in the business the appropriate tools and powers to perform their roles properly. Even Michael, the director, gets frustrated up to his eyeballs with this guy, and basically has to nag him to get the tools we needed to do our job.

And this Dave, really has no interest in taking on APS or high end products, as the volumes of cheap chinese crap that is moved through tactoys is sufficient enough not to warrant taking the risk on products requiring more investment.

Now they hired me as the warehouse manager in January. When I walked in on my first day, my jaw hit the floor. Literally thousands of dead blasters accumulated over years just thrown into a corner.

Pallets collapsing on themselves from idiots who don’t understand even the most basic principles of working in a warehouse. No safety signage.

Employees shooting each other without safety glasses. Stacks and stacks of dead products from other opportunistic endevours - e-scooters, cards against humanity, RC cars, drones, and many other products just sitting, gathering dust. I could tell, there had never been any real management.

And then, on my first day, I’m told we are moving warehouse in 2 weeks. A complete teardown and re set-up in 2 days, to avoid interruptions to operations. FML.

My background is 18 years in Transport, Logistics and Warehousing, so you bet your ass I fixed it. Every employee at the end said it had never worked better. But after a while, the girls in admin started getting snarky with us in the warehouse.

Both of them suffer from anxiety and insecurities that spilled over into the entire workforce, making it a pretty toxic place to work. But we focused on our jobs in picking/packing and ignored them for the most part.

They didn’t like this, and exacerbated things by complaining to the director about every petty little problem instead of working it out with us like adults.

We had 4 workers in our warehouse. A solid team, and a cohesivity unmatched. On Friday, Michael approached one, and placed him on a disiplinary probation for absenteeism due to family issues, a broken wrist and catching COVID.

Later that day, he fired another tenured worker with 2 kids, whose entire world revolves around gelball, for picking errors that had actually improved since I took over managing.

I saw this and knew that as their manager when I wasn’t informed of these actions beforehand, I was next. I was fired and was told it was because a war had started between the two departments and it only started since I began working there.

Apparently correlation equals causation and requires no investigation. I was told I would receive no notice or pay in lieu due to being on a ‘fixed term contract’, of which I was unaware of, and had not signed my employment contract.

Essentially, he brought me in to fix his ineptitude in managing the warehouse, and then fired most of his staff to replace them with new ones.

The dude is a sheister, and a snake, and no better than Corey. Seems like the owner just doesn’t understand how to build a reputable business, or hire people with integrity, and never will.”

Ha I remember that one.

Are you inviting the reddit guy over, might ease his pain with a few of us that experienced TT episode 1 LOL

Looking at TT site, the 3DG G17 is not listed for sale. Only as a prop gun. Likely all the broken ones lololol

Hahaha……. yeah I don’t normally send out invites to the Forum to everyone I run across on Social Media, especially with the amount of new people flooding the Hobby from all over the US/UK/EU etc that are growing day by day.

Gets very difficult and confusing when there’s a constant barrage of questions from thousands of people who are asking for help/information about blasters that us in Australia have never heard of or seen before, which makes helping them pretty difficult to discuss issues with them :worried:

OP having all of this drama has his own small Business and has worked for larger companies in his E-Scooter hobby previously, where he also had issues with their business practices and quit because of them.

He’s actually very educated in Electronics and lives in QLD, so might be worth seeing if he would be interested in joining here? :thinking:

Lol - almost as shabby as the bong smoke i could smell coming up from CEHs old warehouse one afternoon, when I was test firing a gat in their upstairs range. Cough Cough Cough

That wasn’t bong smoke, that was a new batch of Gel-Aid getting brewed! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They were brewing a heap then :stuck_out_tongue:

So how bout those newer MP7’s then? :sweat_smile:

Buying from TT’s is a gamble…

Your basically hoping that, for a reasonable branded modern blaster, it’ll work…

If there is no price differential, buy from Tacedge / WAT/ Xforce…Proper warranty and support.

At a discount sale price, buy from tt’s…and hope for no problems, or that they’re minor, and self fixable…

Otherwise, go instore and refuse to leave…

The newer MP-7’s are about Bing Fengs reputation, not tt’s…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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They literally came out and said it on forum one day long ago, not just mary jane either. Explains alot. Atomic Crack 20% off :rofl:

Jeebus … that explains a few things there

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