Ultra Elite V2

Dang you did the rocket science. What the f is BME feeding you :rofl: :+1:

I did farmer style slap that in, used rain water, break out the Mitutoyo’s yep that goes in 7.3mm IB at 2.5hr grow time and we’re off.

I did run into trouble a couple times trying to do same in supplied mains water which kept random overgrowing a same batch which caused jams. Enough to spoil a day. The only variable I could deduct Dr Karl was the town water had high levels of fluoride and chlorine. Repeated the process to check and got same results. So thought oh well I don’t like drinking that trash anyway, rainwater for me.

Speaking of drinking, anyone remember CEH with Gel Aid and a forum member drank it. Haha that was hilarious.

:rofl: :laughing: :+1:

Yeah, I do remember that little nugget of bullshit from CEH… :rofl:

I remember the forum reaction to it better… hilarious! :joy: :joy:

Haha oh that was the best load of snake oil the industry had!
Can you imagine if other industries had the same level of bullshit products and false advertising we have had to deal with over the years.
The world really should be thanking is Aussies for beta testing the market.

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The other b/s was whenever one of their atomic armoury “products” didn’t work then it was because you weren’t using Predator gels. They got very quiet when the tests showed that the Predators made no difference to the lousy performance of the product, let alone an improvement.

I’m always pretty forgiving when the bullshit flows… as long as it’s not driven by profit and intended to deceive. I haven’t met a seller yet who was 100% right 100% of the time, and we’re all only human.

Well, most of us… but we all knew what GelAid was about, and it got the reception it deserved. Didn’t do a thing for CEH’s already shakey reputation either.

Momma didn’t raise no fools in this forum. :joy:

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The amount of times in the first few years of gelling I bought something that was described as for this blaster, get it and it doesn’t fit or work, only to be told “oh you have to buy this as well, of file grind modify etc”. But at no point state that just say it is for that blaster. Really grips my shit.

And now, I just buy parts and keep heaps of parts knowing not everything works for everything, and often you have to modify things and make them work.

I literally just submitted and spent money to overcome the problem! But I work on enough blasters that it all comes in handy sooner or later!

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That’s why I had thousands of spare parts piled high in many big boxes!

Every single blaster is different, and nothing ever “just bolts in” … always some fiddling around to get shit to fit and work.

Metal gear sets are a classic case of different sizes that would require 3 whole packets of various shims to get them secure in the gearbox…or were so tight that they would lock up if you screwed the box together :roll_eyes:

Obviously had to keep just trying/mixing many different parts until finding what workers together with the least amount of tolerances as possible :ok_hand:

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I couldn’t stop laughing for a week, the comments and all was comedy gold.

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Don’t forget the special ingredient…
The Desaxe! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Oh for sure and not just for blasters, the amount of proprietary crap I run in to. The way I’m going I’ll die with about 5000 tools that don’t work with each other. But they do that to get a monopoly and try to make more money. I know this and I know there is always another way around it. Stop, hammer time!

Bought a Mig welder recently. Best upgrade for awhile. Now I’m getting things fixed.

From a stupid Ford trans fill plug to a Toyota press fit grease nipple after I have hundreds of metric and imperial grease nipples. Sometimes you just have to hit it harder. You’ll either fix it or fuck it.

:rofl: :+1:

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