What is the highest quality gel ball gun?

This guy is pretty funny and a former LEO. He shows the pistol version, but it’s the same gun (minus the butt stock). You’ll be able to quickly see all the negatives of this platform.

FYI regardless non-lethal or lethal training, there is no gun that is desirable that is super slow to load and high maintenance. In LEO situations, less lethal tactics are never deployed unless lethal guns are there to back them up. The reason for that is because less lethal only works about half the time (taser, mace paint balls or shotgun rounds, lead shot beanbag rounds, 40mm pepper balls, etc).

Kentucky Ballistics is a god damn fantastic guntuber. He’s like a more sincere feeling Demo Ranch. I also haven’t seen him do any sponsorship deals with BRC :laughing:

Love me some Paul Harrel, too. I’ve got a friend whose dad knows Paul personally.

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Love Paul Harrel, he’s a lot like Hickok45 for me (the best guys to baseline guns with) except he’s more scientific. Harrel is former Marine Corp and super detail oriented. Hickok is just hickok and very experienced and honest in that genteel southern manner. I’ve been watching Hickok for a decade and love his reviews.
I’ve never been a demo ranch guy, but he’s a fellow Texan, so I subscribe and watch. 22Plinkster is pretty good too. he’s kind of the hickok45 for 22lr (my favorite fun caliber).
I also love Honest Outlaw and Colion Noir.
I’m a large caliber guy also, so I love Kentucky. I bought my first 10 ga shotgun recently and have a .500 S&W revolver. Truly awesome.


Welcome to the dark side :laughing:

Good god @JazzyWard I can’t stand KB, all he does is destroy everything and thinks it’s funny. Most boring shit ever.

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Sometimes I want some dumb fun :laughing: I love high art, but sometimes I just wanna see a muscley, jovial man blow up a zombie head with a 4 bore.


Brandon Herrera is probably my fav and some of Garrand thumbs, Admin is up there too for me, I prefer the more informative ones that go into history and how things work etc, demo ranch to me is just we shoot things and they go pop.

Forgotten weapons was one probably the one the got me into those kinds of videos.
I’ve always been more into how things work rather than just watching them be used, I’d that makes sense


Forgotten weapons
Military Arms Channel
Honest Outlaw
Paul Harrel
TFB TV for new stuff (and Steyr love)
Wilson Combat for old guys talking 1911 and M9
X-force for new toys

I have to agree James Reeves and The Hop from TFBTV are pretty good . The girls seem to like his short wearing affinity.

MAC is definitely my fav, would love about a month to tour his collection :laughing:

I think I figured out our problem with all the jams. The gel balls that they were using had been sitting in a bucket of water for over a week. I think they were degrading and causing jams. I put some new ones in water last night and all four cheap guns worked perfectly…

Still learning obviously. :slight_smile:

Yeah that’ll do it. Best pratice for storing gels is to get a 2 litre soda bottle, and after the 3h grow time, drain all but a half inch of water. Then stick that sucker in the fridge, and they’ll be usable for 3 or more months.

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It always surprises me how finnicky some blasters are when it comes to gel choice.

Some perform brilliantly with anything, others just jack up and won’t play ball unless you use one particular gel. :roll_eyes:

Fridge is full of gel bottles… AKAs, Ultra Elites, WI Reds, LDT Heavy Milkies, STD Milkies, Pinks… and the latest? Blue Ice Balls… :laughing:

Jury’s out on them… :man_shrugging:

My SLR that I built doesn’t give 2 ahits what I put throu it, but the cheap ass J9 will only feed full sized soft gels, then the HK I huot with a DB gearbox seems to only like the AKA hard gels.

I got like 6 milk bottles with different gels too in th fridge.

Howdy, and welcome to the circus…!! :rofl: :rofl:
You’ll find there a few characters, around here…! :wink:

Just out of interest, why did you choose gelsoft, over airsoft…??

Is gelsoft significantly cheaper, than airsoft…in terms of blasters, and ammo??
Were you after the "toy looking "items, for safety…?
Easier clean up with gels…?

Just curious of the reason(s) why…

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Think you replied to the wrong user there @BME :joy:

Queenslander here :wink:

whoops… replied to the wrong person…

Howdy, and welcome to the circus…!! :rofl: :rofl:
You’ll find there a few characters, around here…! :wink:

Just out of interest, why did you choose gelsoft, over airsoft…??

Is gelsoft significantly cheaper, than airsoft…in terms of blasters, and ammo??
Were you after the "toy looking "items, for safety…?
Easier clean up with gels…?

Just curious of the reason(s) why…


My son likes airsoft and gel blasters. The airsoft seem to be a lot more expensive here in Texas and they hurt more. At least that’s what my son and his friends say. In the winter they play airsoft more because they can wear heavy clothing without getting too hot.
My son has Aspergers (high functioning autism), so it’s easy for him to get overstimulated and have a bit of a meltdown (gets angry and super frustrated and can’t function for 5-30 minutes), and pain is a big stimulation point for him.
So we tried gel ball blasters, and they seem to be better for him. We tried to get away from shooting games altogether due to potential pain issues, but he’s all boy and loves anything gun related. :slight_smile:

thanks for that. it provides decent insight, and i’m a curious person…
It makes sense, is pain is a trigger point…

As your probably now aware, with airsoft banned in Oz, gelsoft is all we have.

Even then , it was a battle to keep it legalised in Queensland, it came down to the ruling of one judge, in a court case here in QLD.

The (not so) funny thing is, people were worried about gel blasters being used in crimes, however over here we are now having an explosion of youth crime. Underage kids , have no hesitation carrying and using knives, and are mostly getting away with it…

Anyway, comparing gel to airsoft, you will have probably figured out, gels simply dont have the accuracy of airsoft. With airsoft, they can manufacture the bb’s to be of consistent size, and perfectly round, then make barrels with a near intimate fit.

Gels, by their nature, are never perfectly round, and deform slightly when being fired. This, and larger barrels to accommodate that fact, lead to looser groupings. About a 1 yard spread, at 20-25 yards, is about standard for most blasters. Hence the term “spray and pray”…

Still, if your son and his friends are just mucking around in the back yard / on a property…thats good enough…having fun is what its all about, after all…!!

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Yeah, that explains a lot… :thinking:

We’ve got a lot more Stateside membership in here now, and for a few of us here in Oz the question of why gelsoft would be preferable to airsoft is a real thing. But you make some pretty valid points about that. :+1:

The holy grail for us stuck with gelsoft is accuracy with decent FPS. Those little round plastic BBs solve a lot of the issues, and gel blasters by design are pretty much identical to the airsoft versions anyway.

Once we’ve addressed our blaster’s set up, sealing issues, VE, etc our inaccuracy issues come down to the gels themselves. Low mass, inconsistent sizing, breakages…

There was a time when we held a little hope that gelsoft might be a bit of a gateway to legalising airsoft here, but the powers that be saw fit to ban or heavily regulate these toys in every state of Australia but Queensland. Those of us lucky enough to live in that state are just happy to hang on to what we have and appreciate that we’re better off than our unfortunate interstate brethren who either lost the lot or are subject to incredibly restrictive regulation. :man_shrugging: