AK47 Purchasing Advice

hmm… decisions decisions… as always your guidance is much appreciated. big decision for me as it will be the most expensive blaster I’ve purchased so far

um, what about the barrel length dealio mentioned? that shorter barrels won’t achieve as high fps as full length?

Is there any particular reason you need something that high of a FPS? Pretty much anything over 300 will start having adverse effects on things like accuracy, let alone most fields having such high numbers banned or heavily restricted.

I know the DB V2 gearboxes are ported, looks about 70%, I haven’t checked my AK thou, barrel I wanna say was about 30cm>35cm.

There were the underfolder stock versions of that AKM but from my experience they were quite “floppy”.

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cuz my brother thinks he’s hot shit with his classic army m1a2 and I wanna go one better at sportsco :rofl::joy:.

I think I already out did him with my JG sig 551 but the more the merrier as they say

edit: on second thought, maybe not, I’m sure when I purchased it said up to 340fps… stale… definitely need to goto sportsco :wink:

Yes indeed. That’s the double bell that I would go for.

Needs that full wood look I think to really weather it and make it look like hell.

Sounds great out of the box but hopefully it’s under 350 for Nuketown.

Not many of them on shelves by the look of it

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I read somewhere, most likely this forum (I’m tired as after being woken by tree loppers)
that adding a washer can reduce the floppiness of the under folding stocks?

Hmmmm… It comes down to choices… do you want a 400FPS unit that only lands 2 out of 5 gels on your target, or a 280-300FPS blaster that’s accurate enough to hit your target 90% of the time?

The lower the velocity, often the more accurate the blaster… 270FPS used to be the target for maximum accuracy. That power combined with the optimal volumetric efficiency (VE) ratio between the cylinder and the inner barrel gives amazing accuracy. Push it over 300 and it starts to go south… and east… and west. Gels get very unpredictable in flight and spiral out of control.

The most deadly accurate blaster I’ve ever had put gels through a chrono at a consistent 260FPS, had a cylinder ported to suit the fully stabilised inner barrel for bang on perfect VE. I could nail a beer coaster sized target from about 15-20 metres and hit it 8 or 9 gels out of 10 all day every day.

Lately the perception is that 300-350FPS performance is the minimum, and while that might be okay in CQB play over very short distances and making your mates yelp, it’s not practical in any other scenario.


hard to say, both of my brother’s deliberately bought high fps blasters in what I can only assume to be an attempt to inflict as much pain as possible when shooting at someone in backyard skirmishes.

so yeah it becomes a question of do I want to sting them back as hard or just nail them with accuracy :thinking:

kinda leaning both ways on that one if you know what I mean lol

I have a few under 300 fps blasters already so leaning towards having something a little more powerful, as well as being torn between do I get the MP40 I’ve been wanting for quite a while now or the AK-47 or ak74u?

can’t spend all my bond refund money all at once, well, I mean I coooouuuld but I’d probably stuff myself over in the process…

dammit… more vendors need Zippay and pay pal pay in 4 options :rofl::joy:

also don’t really have any mates down here, in the ten years I’ve been down here I’ve been restricted to zero life outside of work and my family as my partner is a little insecure and doesn’t allow me to have a life outside of our relationship without giving me a headache about it because as she doesn’t have any friends so… over share but tryna paint a picture here and I sure as shit am no Picasso :sweat_smile::joy:

bloody typo, *she… FML :man_facepalming:t2::joy:

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Split the difference… power plus accuracy. 300FPS well set up blaster will do it.

If it’s any consolation, a 300FPS Ultra Elite at close range wil bring tears to your eyes just fine… :rofl:

I was asleep, so missed a lot of opportunity for timely replies. Forgive that.
@shadow187 I have both the generic looking AK and the under folder. The wired stock on the under folder is not very nice on your chin, and the end can be pointy if jammed into your arm pit unexpectedly, compared to the wood stock. Also the wood stock is much thinner, Both are the same length, the folder is also a bit floppy, and there really isn’t much you can do as the mechanism needs a bit of tolerance to click out and in, it is even a thing on real steel. Also when folded it has some slack and makes for a bit of an odd front hand grip. Said folding mechanism also is right where the wires run on the gearbox, so there is very little you can do, and extra care to be taken on re assembling it.

In all, the only benefit of the folder is it can be folded for easier fit in a bag.

As for FPS, out of the box they were both around 360fps on 7v or semi, 11v auto drops to around 320 but that is an average, it is a very inconsistent due to the lack of cylinder volume. Replacing the cylinder with a full one will see it up around 390fps in all modes and batteries.

I had to do nothing else to the full stock version, shimming was good, I did radius it and replace the oring with a brown one as well, for good measure.
My under folder I tried to drop the power by running an m90. They have a double o-ring piston head, and it was too much friction for a light spring and piston and gears had a argument.
My underfolder now has SHS gears, bushes, piston and nylon piston head. Radiused gearbox, full cylinder, and an m100. I did have an m90 and it was comfortably around 320fps, then changed to an m100 and it is up to about 370fps. The longer barrel and full cylinder with a good seal will do that. I have also replaced the motor with a better one that has neo magnets and is a hair faster, did not want to go nuts, just gain some efficiencies.

I short, if you want the power lower, change the piston and head with the spring. Double o-ring piston heads are for airsoft DMRs, and will not end well in gel with lower fps springs.

If you went with a AKSU, the volume is going to be almost bob on, so no cylinder change needed, but you would have more 340-360fps. Longer barrels get a bonus in fps with good seals. Just how it is, the gel has more time to accelerate.

As for FPS vs accuracy, I have always found about 330-340 to be the sweet spot for FPS/accuracy balance, above that you just have to accept that the odd gel is going to spiral way off, but for the most part a burst of 5-6 gels you should get one on target at about 35-40 meters. You really only get an extra 5 meters of range, and if the target sees you shooting at them, they have time to duck behind cover anyway, so it is a bit moot, but is good if you want a lazy day hanging out the back in defensive posture. (I’ve had a few injuries and surgeries in the last year, so I made good use of this).

As for just making it hurt, use white pearls or pink supers. They are not as good gels as ultra hards around, but they are far less fun to take hits from. Softer balls actually sting more. I have theories, and have done enough blind tests with mates to confirm it. Ausgel pink supers always got the “ow, thats the ultras” response. From every one of me and my mates.
Harder is more brittle, breaks up quicker on impact.

It is a V3, so radiusing may not be needed as they are inherently stronger than V2 casings, I just did it as I was in the boxes, and with a needle file it takes a couple minutes so why not. I isn’t something I would charge extra for (some do) as it takes me maybe 3-5 minutes total.

As a final tip, they are in the body, the same as airsoft, so for disassembly, double bell ak airsoft youtube videos are great! And if you are changing to SHS gears, they are a bit of a ball-ache as there is almost no room for shims even with low profile bushings. I had planned to use 16:1 gears, but they simply wouldn’t fit, but 18:1s did so I went with that. both looked to be from differing OEMs, just something to be prepared for if you want to change gears and bushes in them.

Hope some of this helps with you decision, and down the path after purchase :slight_smile:


thank you for the write up and the info provided Rok, much appreciated :call_me_hand:t2:

ive saved the info into a txt document on my phone so I can refer to it later on down the track as I ended up buying an MP40 as I’ve wanted one for ages and otherwise I’d be humming and harring endless trying to make a decision and the sale would have ended on the MP40 and I would have missed out

but I will definitely use the information you’ve provided in deciding which way to go and upgrades etc once I bite the bullet and grab one of the double bell ak’s mentioned as I definitely will be getting one in the near future, just need to get them one at a time as I’ve already spent a couple of grand on blasters easily in the last few months :grimacing: and them other pesky life bills don’t pay themselves :rage::joy:

thanks again, everyone for your input, it is greatly appreciated :pray:t2::call_me_hand:t2:

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Wait until you’ve been in it a few years… Rule number one with gel blasters…


It’ll freak you out. :joy: :joy:

Same goes for Bunnings receipts :confused:

is anyone here familiar with the TacEdge G205 AK74U METAL GEL BLASTER F49 and can provide some more details?

asking because there’s limited details on the sellers listing and would like to purchase spare mags, potential upgrade options etc…


That the demo at Renegade?

I believe that is an APS AK74U. They are good have one myself. Take RX magazines. If you can find them… Nylon Magazine for RX AK74U / AK102 / AKM47 / AKS47 (Brown) - Renegade Blasters (renegade-blasters.com)

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I was trying not to put it out there in case someone else snapped it up before I could :joy::rofl: but cheers man, I’ll have a look n see if I can find any mag’s for it, cheers

SafariZoomer Tactical | Shop

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gee those brown mags are ugly

at the price renegade wants better off getting a brand newie from GBU

That’s all plastic with plastic wood though.

The APS is all metal and wood.


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ah ha… I see… few upgrades on yours I also see…

don’t mind me, I’m tired as shit from sleeping on the couch waiting for my MP40 this morning, I dunno how my kids like crashing on the couch so much :flushed::man_shrugging:t2:

here I am going all out getting a decent sized place so they can feel at home when they’re not staying at their mums with their own rooms n yet they want to sleep on the couch more often than not :flushed::man_facepalming:t2:

fkn may as well have got a one bedroom unit n saved myself some money for more blasters :joy::rofl:

will this fit? doesn’t have any compatibility notes on the listing

oo Bargain if it’s compatible