Hey everyone, thought I’d give my new AliExpress M203 grenade launcher a review after receiving it today and giving it a few test runs
The Aliexpress M203, according to the listing, weighs approximately 200g and is compatible with M16’s and M4’s however you can mount them on pretty much anything that has a picatinny rail the same dimensions as your standard M4A1
It came by itself in the package, no gels, sponge balls or nerf bullets. Whether custom’s confiscated the 3x sponge balls the listing claimed it came with or not I have no idea but I currently have not received any correspondence from customs
It has two inner barrels and is capable of shooting 2x 7-8mm gels, 2x 8mm sponge balls (which were not included despite the listing saying they are) or 2x standard nerf bullets at a time.
Price wise:
Extremely affordable, cheap as chips
For the price, I wasn’t expecting much. Especially after reading other comments about springer grenade launchers being a bit of a let down. I braced myself for the worst case scenario of only being able to use it for asthetic purposes only, and not an overly attractive one at that.
Looks wise:
As is, it looks very plasticky. But I’m sure it could be painted or dressed up to make it look nicer. I won’t be doing that.
Feel wise:
Very much the same. However it does feel somewhat sturdy to an extent. If you dropped it on a hard surface, there’s a good chance you may cause damage to it. But I’m not going to do a drop test to find out lol
Mounted appearance:
Mounted on my JM M4A1, it actually doesn’t look too bad. Definitely nowhere near as cool looking as other M203 grenade launchers by a long shot, but still, not quite as ghetto as I was picturing in my head, but not too far from it either lol.
Performance wise:
To be honest. I was expecting it to not work very well at all and for the gels to barely leave the barrel or break up as it was fired.
But to my astonishment, it actually works.
And not too bad for what it is at that.
Has a few misfires here and there, but using AusGel super greens then old milkies I had laying around, I was able to put it through the chrono and get readings between 80 - 90 fps with the greens and up to 95 fps with the milkies, which whilst isn’t much, it’s much better than the M203 springer grenade launcher X-force was selling as I seen on the video on their old listing. in his video, they were barely leaving the barrel if not breaking up upon firing.
Distance wise: approx 15 - 20m roughly
I was shooting it down my hallway at the brick wall at the end and to my surprise the greens weren’t breaking, they were ricocheting back to where I was standing, some with more force than others.
I didn’t do the hallway test with the milkies as they were more likely to break against the brick wall than the AusGel super greens.
I will test it with some different gels when I have more time and see if I can get some better chrono readings but given its double barrelled, it can be awkward trying to run it through the chrono. Having said that, my readings on my cheapo chrono may not be the most reliable.
Accuracy: Being low fps, in my opinion, it’s pretty spot on within up to 15m from the limited testing I have done so far. I’ll definitely do some more accuracy tests and report back.
One thing to note is once it goes past halfway empty, the performance seems to drop off a little and the occasional misfire occurs more often as it’s not loading the gel without tilting the barrel, much like the m97
To have a working gel grenade blaster with reasonably good accuracy for $15 brand new, I am very pleased with my purchase and I highly recommend it to anyone on a budget looking to pick up a gel grenade launcher. It’s not too shabby.
It may not have the greatest looks or performance fps wise, but if you had it mounted to your rifle and loaded during a game, it could easily save your bacon (depending on your opponents distance from you), without having to reach for your side arm.
A quick cock and aim and you have potentially scored the point you may have given your opponent had you reached for your sidearm instead.
Sorry for the long review, and thank you for taking the time to read