Apex arms Legit

hi, is apex arms legit haven’t heard of them just wondering if anyone has dealt with them before cheers

Never heard of them, business address is residential, whether that means much.

Website won’t even load for me, just get “service is unavailable” screen.
No Google reviews or even trading hours listed.

Never heard of them. Google says enough.

The website loads up no problem for me… :man_shrugging: The Fakebook link doesn’t however, and the listed contact phone number is a mobile.

Their inventory is all GGB pistols, brands advertised are Unicorn and Fighting Bro, with some GBB accessories like pistol speedloaders, valve keys, AKA gels, etc.

Still, never heard of them so I probably wouldn’t… just in case. :wink:

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yer i was looking at the terrain tactical glock guess it’s a scam oh well looks so good tho :face_holding_back_tears:


I bought from them a year ago and it was all good, of course no idea now.
could email them first [email protected]


month old positive feedback

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