Dont know where to put this or even if it should be here (at least for some further infromation to the Retailers, Ranked area)
Here is a PDF link of the conversation between myself and AH over the last 6 months.
Read from the bottom up (facebook does a weird then when doing convo backups).
The TLDR: I dropped a 3DG G36 into AH to get it HPA’d. Was told it would get started after a week due to prior commitments etc but would have it ready by an event i was attending a month later (Operation BB in early oct). Here is a snippet of events:
4th oct where i was told it would be looked at shortly.
14th where i once again asked how the G36 was going, no reply.
19th Oct i was told i would get an update shortly.
24th Oct i chased up to see if there was any update. no reply
25th i asked if there was a possibility of at least getting the G36 done by the 13th Nov for GSA Asylum game.
26th was told Odin would have it ready by the 13th Nov.
8th Nov asked what ETA would be to pick it up… was told “this week” -
10th Nov told that a part had to be ordered - first actual update without my asking.
16th Nov after the GSA game with no G36 asked if there was any update “update shortly” replied.
16th was told it was ready for collection. i replied will come in that friday to pick up.
and more after that all covered in the PDF i CBF’ed writing out what could just be read in the same amount of time with more context.
i probably missed a few things.
I have been extremely paitent, but im fkn sick of it now.
I need to find a V2 trigger board now if i want to use the Jack in any other gun and i cant properly sort the G36 out unless i have a motorcage as the gearbox shifts without it (other than screwing it in place or some other dodgy fix.
i just needed to vent. if you read, thanks
P.S. I cant seem to message them anymore on FB… says cant send message… im blocked?
I dont want to call them as i dont care for listening to BS. and im not going to go there for the same reasons and the expensive petrol / time waste.