Aw Custom Vx series explained?

was looking for a good budget gbb pistol for a beginner and came across WT int. they seem to have Glocks etc for $199 but i saw other pistols for the same price called the Aw Custom Vx series. whats the differences between the glocks, differences between the vx7, vx8 and vx9? would you recommend the vx series or go for the good old glocks (or kublai p4)

Armourer Works, internals are allegedly made by same OEM as WETech. And they are so similar, you can swap parts between the two. I have swapped slides and mags and they work fine.

I believe the vx9 is like Glock 19, so smaller mag, grip, and shorter slide and barrel.

The vx7 is Glock 17… and the vx8 is you probably guessed… The Glock 18. 18 is basically a 17 with a full auto/semi switch.

Good blasters, I’ve had no issues with them just like the WETechs… They just like smaller gels.

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