Best Electric Pistol

Got 2 gas one’s, looking for a solid electric…with auto…??

Let me know, if you know :sunglasses:

The JM X2 can be modified to run reliably with new gears, better motors, disabled blowback and a new barrel.
I had one, didn’t modify it, and it worked well. Someone at a local field modified theirs and it was night and day difference.
No other electric can get similar RPS.

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Just noticed that iHobby has an electric M18 for $490. Better be real good at that price point

Why is the M17 cheaper? It does look cool though with the extended slide though.

No idea. Probably seemed like a good idea at the time. Pretending to be SOCOM is better than pretending to be regular infantry so it costs more

Shame the mounting plate for any optics is just for show. You can see it painted on the tan version.

So let me get this straight…

Is there actually a definitive answer to my question here…??

Not yet as most of us haven’t played with the new electric pistols. The old electric glock and M9 were OK until the electrics went. Only good for about 10m unless you ran metal barrel and hop up

Ok thx.

Can someone direct me to a retailer where I should ask the question and get the best answer…??

No disrespect intended here.

I’ve bought most things I have at TacEdge Yatala…??

Not about the cost, just want a solid electric pistol with maybe auto option.

Thx Peeps :sunglasses:

PS: I have Zero interest in buying something and having to mod it etc…

I was at x-Force the other day and they had only just got the new ones in and hadn’t evaluated them yet. They only arrived in the country a couple of weeks ago… Not sure if any of them have an auto function.

If you want the old style of full auto pistol, the SKD Beretta is probably the best one of the SKD Glock, Beretta and Desert Eagle

The UDL M17 was released earlier and comes with a nylon slide.
The UDL M18 comes with a metal slide and ad adjustable hop.

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