Best gel balls

I don’t have advice really but a few notes recently from my experience and others, town water vs tank water definitely affects growth. A mate and I both bought a bag of Ultra Elites, I grew them for 5 hours in town water as I got home late and they are all 7.4-7.6mm. He grew them for 2.5hours in tank water and got some massive 8+mm gels but most were around the 7.6mm and a bit over that.

I also seen people have been adding bicarb soda to slow/minimise the growth of gels, but I have not tried anything like this. I like to be as lazy as possible with gels, 4 hours, 7.5mm barrels, drain, transfer to a dry bottle and let excess water fall off but not dry or touch them, and send it.

I have talked to a local tech and a speedballer, of which used white pearls, grown in hot water for 1.5hours. Hot tap water, hot enough you can touch it but cant keep your fingers in it… in a big mixing bowl, then grow. I haven’t tested it yet, but they have always had very nice Pearls and work well.

I actually grow/use very few ultra hards, as I believe them to be a potential problem in aegs, seen too many people with broken pistons and gears from a barrel stuffed with ultra elites. My goto gel for a couple years has been Ausgel Strawberry Milkshakes, now they say are an ultra hard, but are really only slightly above an armourtech, and still not hard enough for gas pistol use.
My main reasons for this is they are generally 7.3-7.4mm, pretty consistent, get 3 litres of gels once grown to a bag, and if I forget and leave them, they don’t overgrow. They also store well for a month or two after, so I can grow excess for the field, and then have plenty of useable gels for farting around testing at home.

Goat gels, seem to be the current preferred gel, and recommended by many. They grow in 1.5hours, then meant to be “rested” to harden. I found them best after a week of storage, but most are loving them a day or two later. I found them to be good, but really haven’t had much experience with them.

The original milkies are still good for most entry level budget blasters with no upgrades. An armourtechs are decent for slighty more expensive models. Though these are getting less relevant, my point is, gels are a use case scenario item as much as they are not a one size fits all.

My experience with all Ultra hards is they might as well go in the lawn a week later once the skin starts drying out, and if totally saturated are typically to big to be used a week later for the same reason. Generally I grow enough to use at a game day, and let them free on the lawn after a week or two.

Ultra hards, grow less, more often, they are not good for longer term storage gels.

In all, gels are cheap, buy a bunch and try them in things with varying soak times, if they dont work out they go well in the lawn lol!

I also found the Xforce predator v2 work awesome for wetech pistols that like undersize gels, and their snowballs are a good hard but not ultra hard gel for aegs. If I was located closer to them I would probably use their snowballs over the Milkshakes alot.

If you have an apache, ultra hards are really all you can use unless you want a good amount of crushed gel in your barrel ruining the potential accuracy of the surviving gels.

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Agree with all of the above. :point_up_2: :+1: cheers for the input, much appreciated.

I’ve always grown pretty much the same as @Maiphut … strain through two cullenders then dry off well by rolling them on paper towel at the bottom of the cullender… several times. Pat dry the top. There’s definitely no water in with them when they go into sealed bottles in the fridge.

That method’s always worked brilliantly for the past couple of years, for any gels. It’s just lately I’ve noticed issues. :person_shrugging: maybe the formula’s been changed, who knows?

I’ll try growing some with de-ionised water and see if that makes any difference… I’ve got no doubt the water coming out of my suburban tap is far from pure. :roll_eyes:
And I’ll take the suggestion of @RokSolid and grow only what I need when I need them. Hard though when you don’t really gameplay much and need gels on hand for testing out mods and such.

I’d love to be able to use milkies again, I remember when they were the mutt’s nuts compared to the shitters that came with the blasters. But with the exception of a VZ61 SMG at around 170 and a Vector at 250, every blaster is around 300 and turns the old milkies into confetti. WI reds are the only non-hard gels that I can use, and they’re a maybe, X-Force Iceballs seem similar. So it’s ultra-hards or confetti, which is the main reason I swapped all my inner barrels from 7.3mm back to 7.5mm to prevent barrel jams.


mm yea might be your water, have a play around with that. Chlorine and flouride percentages in mains water vary wildly. A nearby towns mains you can smell the chlorine nearly stings your eyes when you get in to town. That water grew gels erraticly that they wouldn’t feed. Mind you I shoot a hell of a lot less these days as I can’t shoot in my backyard anymore so I shoot the .308 instead. Themz the rulez :roll_eyes: :person_shrugging:


The definition of irony :laughing:

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I was on rainwater at Glass House Mountains… out among the pineapple farms and pine forests.

Now I’m in suburbia I can taste and smell whatever’s in the water… not good. :person_shrugging:

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Glasshouse, damn some gnarly 4wd tracks around there, love to go back one day…

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Hey there crew, just started gelsoft. Has anyone tried heavy water/D2O with their gel balls? Seems like a possible way to improve the accuracy of gel balls.

Unless you got a nuclear plant next door, no we haven’t.

Where would you get it? :person_shrugging:

Nothing gonna improve accuracy of Gels, just gotta accept the fact that they aren’t real rifles and were never designed to compete with Airsoft……… so just have to enjoy them for what they are, cheap/fun/affordable products that will put a smile onya dial and have fun! :+1::sunglasses:

That’s valid, just thought it might be a cool bit of optimisation if someone had the commercial contacts (there are a few different industries that use d2o).

We’ve had members grow gels in rainwater, tapwater, de-ionised water, beer… even urine :laughing:

Big variation in developed size from all those media, no reports on significant weight or hardness variation.

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My hope would be that given d2o is 10.6% denser than regular water that it would allow the gel balls an increase in weight. I think from memory lab d2o tends to be 99% pure so it’d be slightly less than that but still might have an impact.

If you have the means go give it a try. Maybe don’t hit people in the mouth might make them sick.

@Friendly_Fire you’d remember CEH pushing their Gel aid :rofl: and Rattler drank some. He survived LOL! Fk there was some funny moments on the old GBF :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah, I remember that… there were indeed some dead funny moments on the old forum…

@Alvi if you can get a hold of some heavy water give it a crack. Whether or not the weight difference would be measurable doesn’t matter… do it for the science :laughing:

We’re all about the science in here.

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You beat me to it with the Gel-Aid!

But I still have this to bring back those old days…….


Anyone seen chefs balls around, heard they were amazing and wanted to buy some. Anyone found them

hi i was just looking at the goat balls i have mainly been using Ausgel elites but i was looking at goat balls what is ur guys experiences with them cheers

Goats are good. i been using them for a while but changing due to the company i get them through wont be stocking them.

I found in order to get a majority around the 7.1-7.4mm you have to grow them for about 1 hour and 18 minutes. They are however accurate and blasters that use Apache nozzles love them with no issues.

oh ok i have 2 gas blow back back blasters use tokyo marui hi capa and a western manufacturing GBBR, im looking at trying different brands of gels (other than ultra elites) what would you recommend cheers

I have seen people at the field i go to use the blue pack I-hobby gels. I been testing them today and have had a fair bit of success.