Can 8mm plastic balls been used?

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Don’t… Just don’t… That changes it’s definition from being a “GEL” blaster to something along the lines of an air rifle if I’m not mistaken.

Also the largest barrel is 7.5mm so that won’t fit anyway.

:point_up_2: This 100%… just don’t.

Aside from making your blaster illegal (unless you’re in a country where airsoft’s legal, in which case, why would you bother?) it wouldn’t work.

Unlike airsoft, gel blasters rely on the flexibility of the gel to create an airtight seal at the nozzle. Hard plastic balls would not create that seal and would very likely cause serious damage to your blaster if you were to attempt using them.

8’s too big, you need smaller plastics…but yeah…don’t do that… :sunglasses:

It does and that is a nice little gun charge here in qld.

Also i wouldnt go giving them idea’s on what barrel size is needed to do this stupidity and risking it for everyone else/

problem is too many people get it in their head that if they upgrade to metal gears they will be able to shoot ball bearings out of their blasters

I was just talking about it with a guy at work last night, tried telling him it would wreck his blaster trying and that even if it did work if he got caught he’d be prosecuted and would be putting the sport at risk and they would end up banned, his response was zero f##ks given

I informed him he was a wanker and received the same response

some people just can’t be told

Gee it’d be a shame if someones details were anonymously given to police as a potential misuse or illegally acquired firearm :unamused:

People are stupid… bit of a fact unfortunately!

See thing is… steel is quite heavy. If you put a 7.4mm steel thing in a blaster that does 330fps with a 0.2g gel (around 1 joule), you ain’t getting 330fps, it would far less fps. Whatever it is you are still going to only get 1 joule… and that isn’t accounting for the poor seal something solid will have that isn’t made for the barrel and so on…

So point blank it will still do the same “damage”, but at range it will be far worse off, and will get there much slower. Physics, stupid people, etc.


This is 100% accurate

I learned that my first week in my job just how stupid they are/can be

It’s like the first thing you pick up on if you’ve ever worked in on a customer service role…

A lot of people can’t read and a lot of people are idiots, regardless of how well educated they are.

There’s a difference between being smart and being intelligent.

At my last job one of my favourite responses to “Karens” when asking to see a manager…

“Do you want to talk to a manager or someone who actually knows whats going on, because they are different people! Haven’t you ever worked anywhere before?”

What made it funny was… I was second in charge of the business, directly below the owner… but I work, and look like a “working class” I guess. So people are stupid, and do judge a book by its cover :slight_smile:


" I’ll just get the manager for you"
does a twirl
" hi, I’m the manager"

Too right. I busted a worker smoking a cone on the line, denied it of course. I said ok pack your stuff and there’s the door.

He demanded to see my Manager, I said sure he’s waiting for you in his office. Escorted him up, I stood outside, 5mins later he walked out with his head down. Grabbed his gear and I escorted him off the premises.

Can’t have that on a production line, it’s in the regulations and has legal safety implications for me if someone is injured under the influence under my Supervision, workcover will not cover. I am responsible for every workers wellbeing while working.

Oh you can’t do that, yeah watch me. Door thataway.