Can someone explain the history of this place?


Old forum…too many dickheads talking nonsense and going off topic.
New forum…too many dickheads talking nonsense and going off topic.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Seriously though…there are a lot of talented and generous people here who will provide all the information you’ll ever need about Gelblasters and then some… :sunglasses:

As for Australian and being one… I lived in in the US, Europe and Asia and Australians are the only people who will tell what they really think of you regardless if you’re a friend or foe and then call you an F’ing C… :joy:

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No never angry, it’s great to come on here and have a laugh with friends that are spread far and wide. Which now includes you. It’s all good.

I know I don’t speak what you are familiar with but as long as you have the patience I can try. It’s all good I speak left handed swahilli(so I was informed), Indonesian, and ruthless desert Aussie language. And I’m called all sorts of things I’ve never heard of before. Which is interesting.

Hang on a minute. Now I’m fkn confused :rofl:

Basically we are sick of being questioned and yelled at when all we do is attempt to help. Does that make sence or am I gonna be… oh there it is sin bin again :rofl:

BTW I can smash a 30 pack of Tooheys New and still stand and everyones my friend by that stage. Does that make sence :person_shrugging:

No definitely not mad to be clear. I missed this comment as I was drooling over Docbobs RC cars at the time.

I’m Australian, I make some sarcastic jokes to have a laugh. I tried to answer your difficult question with out being nasty and did ok I think.

If you ever don’t understand me or think I am angry or something, just PM me. I talk to a lot of people all over the world and sorry I’m not fluent in all languages it’s usually all it is.

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Great, thanks so much for letting me know. Now that I understand that people talk like this on here, I am fine.

You’ll get the hang of it. :+1:

Just don’t take anything too seriously or to heart in here… we sure don’t :rofl:

Call it a crash course in Aussie culture and humour. :joy: