Old forum…too many dickheads talking nonsense and going off topic.
New forum…too many dickheads talking nonsense and going off topic.
Seriously though…there are a lot of talented and generous people here who will provide all the information you’ll ever need about Gelblasters and then some…
As for Australian and being one… I lived in in the US, Europe and Asia and Australians are the only people who will tell what they really think of you regardless if you’re a friend or foe and then call you an F’ing C…
No never angry, it’s great to come on here and have a laugh with friends that are spread far and wide. Which now includes you. It’s all good.
I know I don’t speak what you are familiar with but as long as you have the patience I can try. It’s all good I speak left handed swahilli(so I was informed), Indonesian, and ruthless desert Aussie language. And I’m called all sorts of things I’ve never heard of before. Which is interesting.
Basically we are sick of being questioned and yelled at when all we do is attempt to help. Does that make sence or am I gonna be… oh there it is sin bin again
BTW I can smash a 30 pack of Tooheys New and still stand and everyones my friend by that stage. Does that make sence
No definitely not mad to be clear. I missed this comment as I was drooling over Docbobs RC cars at the time.
I’m Australian, I make some sarcastic jokes to have a laugh. I tried to answer your difficult question with out being nasty and did ok I think.
If you ever don’t understand me or think I am angry or something, just PM me. I talk to a lot of people all over the world and sorry I’m not fluent in all languages it’s usually all it is.