Can someone explain the history of this place?

I have been here for a few months but I have seen people talking about an old forum and old people. How long has this forum existed? Was it more active once? Is this part of an IRL group? and is there anything else?

Sounds like one for you to tackle @DocBob :wink:

Hmm where do I start.

Stop asking difficult questions :laughing:

IRL group yes there are still some afaik.

This exact forum I rejoined upon request in July 2022.

No it’s more active now than ever. With a few modifications of side hobbies.

The old forum early 2022 got shut down. I will not talk further about this subject and I’d suggest you do not ask please.

Thanks to the old crew and their efforts, Docbob, Friendly Fire, The General, BME and many more(sorry if I missed your names) they were able to reboot what we had from scratch.

And here we are. With new comers from across the globe which I guess you are. Try to keep it friendly and help if we can.

Ignore me with my sarcastic jokes, it’s just for a laugh or two with members I’ve known for a day or two. You probably think we are crazy, well maybe we are :rofl:

Over to you @DocBob :+1:


Talk about handball :rofl:

Awesome summary @Maiphut :+1:
Mustn’t forgot our main man @AFX who’s the whole reason why we are all able to be reading and writing here as we speak!

AFX was a member from the old Forum and even though not so active in the hobby anymore, wanted to give back to the people who helped him so much in the old Forum to keep the Circus rolling for us by setting up this new Forum after the old one collapsed under its own weight.

I didn’t join the original Forum until 2018, after checking it out for a year or so prior gaining information and reading topics.

Can’t remember when the original GBF was created, only know that we had @ZeHamish and the Forum’s Server owner as the original higher members, but then slowly gathered enough NCO’s to give the North Korean Military a run for its money!:joy:

So @NordMan009 , I would guesstimate that the old Forum was started sometime around 2016/2017, as this is when Gelblasters really started becoming more widely known in Australia, and was around the same time I started getting into them myself…so yeah, that’s where the “old Forum” or “GBF” is mentioned in conversations online. :+1:

And before you ask…NO, I don’t know what the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow is! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

thanks. I am not a super funny person so I can’t tell if you are actually pissed but great summary.

We’re mostly all Australians here obviously, so our language, humour and sarcasm certainly isn’t very well understood in most other countries in the world! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::australia::kangaroo:

African or European?

Yeah , we aussies have a unique, and sarcastic sense of humour.
It is a bit of an acquired taste, for foreigners…

For example… here in Oz, we are about to be hit with a Cyclone…which in USA is called a TORNADO… the acroynym meaning…

O-rings …!!

:rofl: :rofl:

Forever being told that Australians are harsh, abrupt, rude, insulting and lacking in acceptance of proper PC type speech and new terminologies that are more inclusive of others.

My response to these types of comments is…
“yeah mate, that sounds about spot on”! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Or, concerning gel blaster performance / reliability expectations…



You mean hurricanes?

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If you’re not allowed to say the c-word here then this is not an Aussie forum.

Nasty police
Sends you to jail…

:smiley: :smiley: :laughing:

I’d better stop, before i burst into song…!

Ah, see there’s the difference…

In Oz, when you’re “pissed” it means your inebriated, drunk, blotto, sloshed, maggotted, legless, trashed, lit, etc…

If you mean “pissed” as in angry, irate, shitty, aggro, etc you have to put an “off” after the “pissed” e.g. “Maiphut’s post sounded like he was pissed off”.

We’ll assume you mean the latter as I have it on good authority that Maiphut doesn’t drink :wink:

Although the two are not mutually exclusive… like “Friendly_Fire gets more pissed off the more he gets pissed”.

Then, with the alcohol liquid intake you inevitably need to relieve yourself sooner or later.

“Shit man, sorry I got pissed off at you… I’d had a skinfull and was really pissed… I was busting for a piss badly and got even more pissed off when I couldn’t have a piss because the dunny was occupied”.

“Piss” is a pisser of a word. :+1:

BWAHAHAHA :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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ohhhh, I did not know the first one was used. We would just say wasted or high. But yes, I could not tell if he was mad.

Relax… Maiphut doesn’t get mad… :rofl: he gets even.

Nah, it’s all good… we’re a weird mob here and sometimes people from other countries (particularly from the US) misinterpret our scintilating wit and think it’s aggression. :joy:

It’s not… we’re just taking the piss… (means having a dig, a joke at your expense) oooh, there’s another use for that word “piss”. :laughing:

Thats great to know. I would rather ask to clarify then just assume so thanks for humoring me!

This forum is like a dream: I came in part way through.