Converting an AEG into a Gel Blaster - Both Elephant SL8 Conversion Project

Hi all, so I’m making this thread to document and maybe even look for advice from people that has tried converting an airsoft AEG into a gel blaster. It took me 10 years to find out what brand the replica is and last night me and a friend made a breakthrough.

For context, back when I was a kid in elementary school (2009-ish) my dad brought home an airsoft gun (BE SL8) for the first time seeing I love guns in games. Now this was before gel blasters were invented and before the airsoft market here in Indonesia was monopolised and made it prohibitively expensive so I was rather excited. I never shot it since I just wanted to hold and play with it for a bit and since then it’s been in storage gathering dust, dropped a few dozen times as it tumbles in there, etc. A few parts broke off and went missing but here’s what’s left of it.

A quick look shows a ton of problems like how the outer barrel thread broke in the hole so going to have to solve that, and probably the main issue of gearbox along how this thing is going to be converted.

How it’s going to feed from the mags will also be another problem, figuring out where to put terminals, and possibly worst of all figuring out how the hell am I supposed to make mags fit into this.

I’m looking for documentations and such online and has found this blog post from 2007 so I’ll be going with it for the most part to understand how it looked like fully functional and working.

Context done, I’m thinking of using that new JUND G36C as a base with the SL8 being used as jacket parts but my friend argued against it since the metal gearbox is probably better and would need less fitting overall compared to trying to work everything into the G36. But considering the state of the SL8 right now, I have low expectations. I’ll update this when I have more news to share on the project.

Until then, enjoy some pictures of the SL8’s condition WITHOUT the almost 20 years worth of dust build up. I took the liberty to spare you guys from it lol.


Looks like a great project mate, and with plenty of help from the members here, I believe that you can definitely get this back together and working again. :raised_hands: