Country Title Requests [Formerly Sub-Duchy Acknowledgements]

Some have you may have noticed that we’ve been getting folks from countries other than Australia, now and then. It can be a bit difficult giving them specific advice on where to buy things, and how to mod stuff.

So, thanks to a suggestion from @Friendly_Fire , starting today, you may elect to have your country of origin added to your user profile. It will show up next to your name, like Duchesse de la Discorde does for me.

If you’d like this on your profile, post here with your country of origin, and we’ll do the rest.

Please do not post here unless you are asking for your country to be added. Having to check it for things that aren’t the aforementioned will be annoying, and I’ll delete it out of sheer grump. Go play in the shit pit, you animals.


Coolies… good ol’ Oz for me, Jazzy :sunglasses:


Ooo aussie flag neat, I’ll have that

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Nice addition Jazz. I would like an Aussie tag also please :slight_smile:

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Does getting a flag , raise questions , about your offshore tax status, with the ATO…??:smiley:

If not, I’ll take one…:smiley::smiley:

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