
Hello again, got a gel blasting item shipping from china (a mag, not a gun) how long does it usually take to pass customs if an item (gun or mag or gels whatever) has been flagged? What is everyone else’s experiences that could teach a new person?

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If the item’s identified as a toy and there is no reference to “airsoft” in the description or the despatching company’s details you should have no issues with a mag coming through from overseas.

I usually source my mags locally, they’re cheap enough and I don’t have the patience to wait on the ridiculously long delivery times from China.


I’ve bought mags from OS before and as long as you are in a legal state you are good to go.

I’m not sure what you mean as flagged. They will look at the destination and if it’s legal or not.

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I’m Australia good rule of thumb for me has been:
Receivers, suppressors, mags, and gearboxes. Buy them locally. Everything else seems to make it no problem.
I do know people who have successfully ordered the above. I also know of people who donated them to the ABF gelball collection.

You will receive a letter if it is seized. And there is options to still get the item, work through the bureaucracy with the argument "gel blaster parts for a person in a state where the item is legal to possess. The catch is it all comes to the ABF officer on the day and their interpretation of the rules, which if it comes in the country through any other state is going to be negative.

Flagged as in it has already been found by customs a little suspicious.

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Strange. Should be obvious what it is.

What do they want?

Don’t know… tracking just says “failed customs”

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You’ll be getting a letter soon explaining why. I’m going to assume you’re in Queensland… if you’re not, that’ll be the reason.

I’m guessing you’re after CYMA mags for your CQB? :thinking:

Easy to buy from any retailer here in Queensland for $20 to $25 with no import hassles.

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Likely binned it. Bugger.

Oh well just do what :point_up: Friendly Fire said.

Mannnn, that Ali express deal for the mag was ten bucks cheaper!

Ah well, you roll the dice and take your chances with BF… :man_shrugging:

It’s only a bargain if you get the goods, sometimes the safer option works out cheaper. :wink:


Case closed! Got the mag!