Does a Tight Bore Barrel Make Any Difference?

Trying to build a blaster that is accurate within 1m at 30m

Swapped a 7.5mm id barrel for a 7.3mm id. Both barrels have been trimmed to approx 1.7 v/e- 410mm for 7.5 and 425mm for 7.3. Using ultra elites from the same batch that are sized under 7.3mm for both barrels

Interestingly, the fps dropped 10 fps using the tight bore barrel however, there is no discernible change in accuracy or range with either barrel.

Is there any value in running the 7.3mm barrel or have I just burnt up another $25 in search of accuracy that cannot be achieved


You sure the tighter barrel didn’t just exasperate a seal issue?
I have 2 barrels for my Cyma DMR at the same length, 7.5 =305fps / 7.3 =350 fps


At the end of the day, accuracy can be improved, but it’ll never be super tight.

I believe, this is partly to the gels “deforming” slightly, when fired.

A/soft has hard, perfectly symmetrical balls, whereas our gels are softer, and not perfect spheres.

As they are subjected to acceleration in the barrel, they deform slightly into oblong shapes, and do so slightly differently for each individual gel.

Thats part of the reason why you will always get random fliers…

P.S, RIP Queen Elizabeth… :cry:
We all knew this day was coming, but noone wanted it to actually arrive…


Another round of testing. Same batch of Ultra Elites measured at under 7.3mm. 20 rounds per test

7.3mm barrel 435mm long Avg 287.5fps max 301fps
7.5mm barrel 405mm long Avg 287.7fps max 307.3 fps
7.5mm barrel 335mm long Avg 275.6fps max 301.4fps

Couldn’t do accuracy test as other half was doing some craft in the middle of the range


What sort of piston and piston head are you running?

Haven’t personally had the gearbox apart. Had a tech fix the lousy build that was there when I picked it up. It had metal gears and metal ladder. It had always performed around the 290fps mark.

I believe it all comes down to the gels. Hardness helps, but size consistency is more important, and unfortunately probably a pipe dream bag to bag/batch to batch…
I control grow and stress out over every batch of gels, and every grow is a bit different… But i couldn’t be fucked wasting even more time sorting…
What shits me is when I go to a game and talk to guys who grow for 6 hours then store in water, and have no issues with feeding or (relative) performance…
I run 7.3mm barrels in most of my gats, and am thinking of going back to 7.5mm for above reasons… The old Black labels were the best I’ve used for consistency, and loved the 7.3mm barrels. But the new Blacks are shit, so I’m switching Booms, and they seem to stay around 7.4mm after 4 hours growing… Makes sense to use barrels to suit the gels, and not hope that the gels will suit the barrel.


Hmm I’m thinking piston might need looking at.

I’d check it out if was me. If it hasn’t got enough flow through the holes on retraction it sucks and can do like what you describe.

I could be very wrong too.


Don’t forget the golden rule of sizing your gels to be 0.1mm undersized to your barrel.
7.5 barrel = 7.4 gels.
7.3 barrel = 7.2 gels etc.

I trialled everything from 7.0-7.5 barrels, and actually found the 7.5’s easiest when just chewing through bulk amounts of unsized gels in the back yard, 7.3’s were best for performance with sized gels, and anything tighter bore just had constant issues with jamming and spending hours sizing gels to suit for no extra improvement that made it worth the whole effort :roll_eyes:


G’day one and all. I won’t use gels as they have there own esoteric complexities. So I will use instead two obvious round balls that do have an impact on trajectory and accuracy. The soccer ball and golf ball. With the soccer ball, being round it has the ability to be played in a curved trajectory or a straight trajectory. There are many more variations that can be applied by the player by the use of his footwork and boot type, but I am sure you can get the drift that a circular ball can do any of these maneuvers.
Golf balls, have been scientifically studied by the big companies to reduce hook, slice and gain distance, to do this, they use wind tunnels and computer simulations and have found that dimpling in the surface can greatly aid with distance and reduce the hook and slice activity. Some basic aerodynamics come into effect.
Could we see this transferred to the harder gel balls…? probably, if they wanted to triple the price per pack of fifty LoL, it would be the same as guaranteeing the growth size. One single imperfection would make it useless.
The basic dynamics of a gel ball when under pressure, and in a barrel that is a tight fit is to deform its shape and upon release into the open, reform as well as the after rush of air, thus causing the inaccuracy and loss of FPS.
As Doc Bob said, a single mm under size can prevent 90% of all of these issues. Another thing I found was that a heavy barrel was often more accurate than a light alloy barrel, unless it was a tight fit in the outer barrel.
My example is the AWM I have upgraded to full metal everything. It runs a SS 60cm 7.3x10 and weighs as much as the metal outer. I only use 7.2 Ausgel Elite in it as they are the only thing that can stay together under the pressure. It is accurate to 30m and the chrono indicates 480fps. This was checked again at the local store as I thought it was off, but after using two of Doug’s chrono’s we got the same reading. Nothing short of swapping the barrel out will change it…maybe, but I could not be bothered. It is more of a shelf piece that cannot sit on a shelf.
To close this off, I always thought 7.1 was the best, but soon learned that 7.3 and 7.4 were very good at getting field performance figures. Accuracy is a mythical beast, real snipers do not look for a head shot… it is centre of mass and nothing more. It is not hollywood propaganda on a two way firing range.
A target 45cm high and 30cm wide is what you want to hit consistently and well aimed burst of 3 rounds are your best bet.


I’m still waiting to see how you are going to fit a HLF ball down a 7.2mm barrel :thinking::joy::+1:


I’m still trying to read this crap :rofl:


Google translate mate :roll_eyes:
You should be used to Spartan’s mad ramblings by now anyrate ! :joy::+1:

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Burn in hell Doc…Burn in hell :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Aww, c’mon don’t say you didn’t miss my physics classes mate? Oh, wait, I forgot, Sheep, Beer, Blaster one type or another…you hard to please farmer. :joy: :joy: Hows the weather your way, Bloody ready for snow here!

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Maybe you should read your avatar and apply it :joy: :rofl: :joy:

Haha, hit me me where it hurts why don’t ya. Nice shot! :innocent:

I just figured out who you used to be today, purely my fault. Busy time of the year and no time for perusing forums. I was thinking you were possibly some one else. Nvm. It’s all good. :+1:


:rofl: All good mate, I know this weather will have you running crazy out there. Catch you later.

Hope the recent cray weather didn’t do you to much damage :pray: :pray:

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No damage, 40mm of rain bring more on, I’ll never flood just a big sponge out here and dirt absorbs water unlike concrete and bitumen :+1:

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