Does anyone have experience with the DS AKM Metal Gel Blaster?

I am in the us and getting if from AK gel blaster, It was this or the cyma ak and this seems better.

No, kind of looks like an APS. Not sure mate.

Oh thanks for mentioning.
If there are choices for the DB/ APS AK, they will be more attractive.

CYMA AK is nylon external and comes with a standard CYMA nylon v3 gearbox. Nothing very fancy but it’s reliable. Not heard of anyone having issues with it. we get the best model of the nylon CYMA range already.

For the DS AK, it is real wood and full metal in and out except the lower receiver, also it has a compatible metal drum if you want it.

In terms of performance, they are similar. Both shoots around 250 FPS.

It’s not APS. What’s your comment on the APS AK? I heard it’s ok and we may stock them if the feedback is good.

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@Maiphut will give his thoughts, but has also been many discussions that APS got a bad rap on their products a while back, and that stigma has sorta stuck with the brand, whether it’s still true regarding their newer products still needs people to give their opinions and reviews on their latest releases :+1:

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It was the very first APS AK74-L lot that Azraels got in to Australia.

They are very good once you despringed it to a 1.18mm Ausgel spring or similar, easily 305fps. V3 Alloy gearbox that has no issues what so ever like the APS V2 was cracking big time.

The metal forend is chunky and heavy and took some reworking . Still have it in my collection.

It’s great, I put a SS 7.3mm barrel in went no problem. Redid all the forend which was a nightmare to pull that apart took nearly all day.

Took a section out of the magazine well where it had a tab under the trigger guard which would not let the Magazine seat properly and hinder feeding and induce jams.

Front sight was miss drilled and canted.

Disabled the blowback so that did not self destruct.

It’s great today but for the price was needing a bit of TLC. Haven’t tried a current one to compare so can’t comment on that only what I first experienced.

One of my better ones I keep and enjoy.

The REN XIANG TOYS Allfight 74 bakelight and black magazines work the best. Better than the cheaper metal full 47 curve style magazines.

Not sure but they got some feedback and heard they improved on a lot of the above mentioned.


Yes there was the problem with the APS V2 Silveredge gearboxes only and Azraels were having a massive problem with them cracking. Brent went OS to visit APS with the problem and see if could help to fault find and changed the casting metal and seemed to fix that eventually.

Took a long time though while there were lots of dissatisfied customers but Brent, broken send it back and he replace no cost so he did his best. :+1: Good customer service.


Aps V2 were famous for shearing the front of the gearbox off for a while. Less now but they still do it. Their main issue was with the propriety trigger system mosfet on some models. They ones with standard trigger switch are better.

Their V3 AKs are actually very good. Very tough and lasted well.


I never got around to playing with the mosfet fitted APS V2 I did see came out a couple years later. My OG APS V2 is still going fine today in my bitsa M16 with the mechanical trigger. Wells cylinder head/nozzle. Really good, nothing to keep repairing with that one.

Guess I got lucky and missed a lot of bad eggs :+1:

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thanks for letting me know

I think that’s the problem. A lot of shouting APS were crap when they are actually great. Yea they had a problem with the V2 only. Not all APS :roll_eyes: :+1:

Only problem I’ve had with the APS AK’s is the mag contact springs shorting out against each other. But that’s only happened on the black tactical one. The banana mags break easily at the mag retention lug. As stated above the RX modern look mags are more robust and work well.

What an outstanding beautiful collection mate… well done :ok_hand::clap: