DOUBLE BELL Glock 21 (CNC Slide) at iHobby

I’ve been watching this Glock 21 at iHobby for nearly two years but it has never been on sale once. Can anyone suggest why this is $550?? other than the CNC slide? I do need this compact .45 but dang it, i refuse to tangle with that price. Permanent deadlock it seems. Someone must be buying them I guess - so please help me understand the cost :slight_smile:


This one released with one of the later waves of DB, I think it came in the same shipment as iHobby’s DB AKs?

So either they still consider it newish, or considering it’s one of iHobby’s billion Glock variants, it may have simply been forgotten amongst price drops.

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I’m picking one of these up this morning.

How could you not at that price!
Actually have a pretty decent discount on quite a bit of gear looking at their website :+1:

lol … forgot all about this post. The old link doesnt work but fixed here.

Same price ($550) albeit its now apparently on sale, down from “$650”!!!

Oh well … most people like collecting something or other. I guess the team at iHobby like collecting inventory.

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Hows the new beast.?

Piccies and mini review, please…!! :smiley:

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Yeah, I’ll second that request for feedback…

I’d be keen to hear how the E&C Glocks stack up against the DBs. :person_shrugging:

I’ve got the DB G17 SAI… has to have one of the slickest slide racks I’ve ever felt. :+1:


have an E&C G19X and DB G22. E&C has a bit more weight to it. G22 has better trigger. Performance is about the same. Only issue is that E&C doesn’t always lock back on empty

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The DB does that now and then…

I’ve got a GE HiCapa that won’t lock back with DB mags in it, and I’ve only got one GE mag for it…

Ah well, first world problems. :wink: