DS105 Unboxing,Review and Disassembly

Hiii everyone.It’s Marcos again!
I’m so happy to share in this community and I’m excited to see your comment here lol.It’s just fun I feel that we bond together!

It only allow new users to attach one picture so I had to make a screenshot…If you find the content helpful,here is the original blog:DS105 Unboxing,Review and Disassembly – TriggerToy

This time I wanna share a little bit about DS105.It’s in my collection and actually it’s a second one cause I was poor back days when I was first in love with gel blaster stuffs lol.Not sure if you already had this one but in my impression, DS is a particularly diligent manufacturer with a wide range of products, basically covering the entire AK series. Not only are there many products, but there are also many IDs, including STS, DS, AK, etc., according to incomplete statistics.

With a wide range of products, broad sales, and deep market penetration, I wonder if DS is now the leading player in the AK track. This time, I got a second-hand DS105 with a Zening special shape, let’s take it apart and see.

Step 1

Loosen the four round head screws of the barrel sleeve to remove the entire front section.
The sleeve is metallic, the outer tube is inserted into the sleeve and fixed with a pin, similar to the AKA structure, but the sleeve is connected to the receiver with round head screws, I think it would be better to rivet the sleeve to the receiver like AKA, at least it would be more authentic.

The hole position of the sleeve is higher than Jinming’s and 2mm forward, you can’t use Jinming’s sleeve.

It’s not compatible with Jinming (obviously)

Step 2

Remove the three-way fixed seat screw at the magazine well of the receiver, and remove the three-way and three-way fixed seat screw.
The three-way and three-way fixed seat is metallic, the fixed seat does not hold up the gearbox, easy to disassemble. There’s a spring between the three-way and the front section, but the three-way is thread fixed, I don’t know what the purpose of this spring is.

The magazine contact is not insulated, so the factory put a heat shrink tube on the head of the gearbox, remember to wrap it with tape at the same position for insulation when reinstalling.

Step 3

Remove the grip, speed mechanism, machine piece return spring, and pull out the entire gearbox.
Because the hole in the barrel sleeve is not deep enough, when reinstalling the machine piece spring, don’t install the sleeve and receiver in place first, install the return spring first, then tighten the sleeve.

I don’t know when this one-word round head screw can disappear

Step 4

After removing the recoil piece, you can remove the gearbox.
In terms of the process of disassembling the gearbox, it’s the simplest and quickest I’ve played with in AK.

The handguard could feasibly accommodate a battery or something like a 14500 cell

Step 5

Finally, we need to rescue the original factory’s initial velocity of only 50-55.
The first step is to replace the original factory’s super long nozzle, the cylinder head I have on hand was tested for a round, just right hole position adapted Jingji, and the bridge timing is the same as Jingji/Jinming 2nd wave style, just right to use. Compare the original factory nozzle with Jingji nozzle, the locking point is 7mm forward, including the different sealing methods, redesign the three-way and three-way seat, the locking point is moved back 9mm.
For changing different system cylinder head nozzles, I generally first see if the nozzle can be directly installed, if it can’t be directly installed, I see if the cylinder head positioning hole is adaptable, as long as it can be stuffed in. Note that the cylinder head needs to just hold up the gearbox shell, if it’s not enough, you need to pad. The gearbox positioning hole is not a stress point, direct spring impact will mostly explode.

Then install the bridge nozzle, simulate the movement, observe whether the nozzle has any bad phenomena such as jamming or head lifting, if there is a bad indication that the bridge is not adapted, you need to change the same timing bridge. Finally, install the three-way rotation gear, observe the unlocking and locking position, whether it can ensure the unlocking distance and reliable locking.

From top to bottom are JQ/JM 3rd/WD PDX/JJ JM 2nd/DS original

JJ cylinder head nozzle + JJ/JM 2nd bridge

The sealing of the cylinder head nozzle is probably divided into three schools, one is no oil no sealing, two is grease sealing, three is O-ring silicone oil sealing. This DS105 belongs to grease sealing, the nozzle has no O-ring, there is a lot of high viscosity grease between the cylinder head guide column and the nozzle, the actual test effect is okay.

I belong to the O-ring party, I think the gas may blow the grease away, causing unstable sealing, its durability is questionable. Changing the nozzle system is not a serious matter, as long as the cylinder head can be stuffed in, basically it can be changed, opening and closing lock through changing three-way matching, only need some simple modeling.

The original factory zinc alloy wave, the gearbox shell axle hole is too large and not round, all 6 bearings are running, it feels like there is more than 5mm gap, I don’t think this is a usable gearbox. It feels like the 3rd gearbox is modified for performance, it’s just JM/RX/CYMA.
The head hole is small, the oil is also thick, can’t be cleaned, simply enlarge the hole.

The zinc alloy motor frame will shake when installed, tighten it with great force. Although there is a grip to hold it, but it’s still better to tighten it, CYMA is also like this, need to exert great effort.

Enlarge the head hole
The original factory motor is powerful enough, M70 spring, running 73@18Hz. Changed to a metal pull handle, metal hitting metal is very ear-piercing, using 7.4v to slow down is appropriate.
See the three-way below, note that the locking point is moved back 9mm, the inner tube also needs to be replaced, otherwise there is not enough length to install the spin.

And some nice picture I took for my old DS105.Feel free to talk in the comment.I should learn from you guys!!


Looks good.

My early APS AK :+1:

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I do like a tactical AK.

I remember when the JM J11 AKs came out… thought they looked like a pretty awful mash up of Jin Ming parts from the spares bins and thought “Why??”.

Then I saw a Novritsch video reviewing the Russian army’s adoption of the same real steel AK as their standard rifle.

Shows what I know. :roll_eyes:

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Definitely awesome!the mag should be engraved with a cool pattern!!

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I was exactly the same way when the J11 was released, thinking “argh, what a horrible parts bin mashup of a model.”

I did soon learn that they were a replica of a real AK Model……… but I hated the look of them and never spent any money on getting one :roll_eyes:

BUT THEN…… they introduced the J12 AK 74U and I fell in love with them, eventually owning 4 or 5 of them in different stages of stock standard to fully modified/customised :sunglasses:

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You guys obviously never tried some of Paul Keatings SKS-D that he sold your WA grain for 300,000 of them and got 60,000 in the buy back.

Mate they were the bomb of shit on a stick, $120 and 3x 30 mags, might hit the side of a barn with trillions by the case load of 7 cents a shot ammo that’d go through your target and continue on through your ancestry.

One way Australia sold grain to China under another shit Labour* government. They still haven’t got them back :rofl: fuckheads :joy:

Wow, thanks for the info…… certainly not surprising that that Australian Wrecking fkwit Keating was part of this :rage:

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Surprising how many have forgotten but it was 1991/2 and Australia pulled a bumper barley harvest and had no where to send it. Paul Keating struck a deal which was good at the time with China was in drought shiploads(fuckloads) of grain and the payment was Norinco SKS-D and ammo. That’s why they were cheap, but still the gov made money off of it.

I’ve tried searching the net for links and such but it’s all been scrubbed since the semi auto buy back and the biggest blunder was they had 60k turned in. Where’s all the rest :rofl:

Mate, while you were writing this reply, I already had gone through google to find these things, as being a shooter since I was a kid, I was sure that I would have come across these things in my lifetime.

Bugger me, these are the exact ones that my father and uncles had:


I’m pretty sure that I have discussed with you before that the family had quite a few NORINCO models over the years, but I had totally forgotten about these little ching chong beauties! :sunglasses:

I never seen these full mag ones before though?

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You should have as Paul Keating sold unknown amount of ship loads of barley grain for 300,000 of those exact SKS-D models. $120 with 3x 30rnd mags at my local.

Good for your dinner plate at 50 yards but the ammo too, Cases of steel core FMJ were about 5-7 cents a shot which was part of the grain deal. Shithouse gun compared to something like a Ruger Mini 14 but they went bang. Steel lacquered shells so no reloading. Heap of shit really. FMJ would just pierce through goats and not drop them.

I’ve still got the spiker that got ground off for cleaning out the shed tracks, works good for that. Also tried it for finishing off game. Fucking no way as the tip of it was bigger than my two foot long screwdriver whackometer.

You probly had the not so prolifant SKS with the 10 rnd fixed mag you loaded from stripper clips or single. Same firearm, same factories, just Norinco had a heap they decided to stuff AK47 mags in to that didn’t sell at the time as Russia not happy jan :joy:

Yeah definitely never seen the 30rnd mags here in WA, only the short clipper mags.

I can honestly say that I only have a very short memory of these, as they were obviously purchased by family members and most likely only fired a few rounds before happily being sold back to the government at the first available opportunity :joy:

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What do you reckon I did… had 3 years of fun with a Mini 14 with 40 rnd mags while they debated it and made it so :+1: I whacked a couple of cheap Norinco 1600rnd cases through it before d day.

I wish I took pictures at the gun club. 50 odd people lined up with their SKS-D all lighting off 30rnd mag dumps in the last weeks. There is a lot of steel empty cases rusting away in the dirt on that range…

Did WA have mag restrictions maybe. I know SA does not and still doesn’t. Queensland didn’t but Queensland come in to 10 round with the semi auto ban from fuckhoward.

All I can remember is that we had 10 or 15 rnd mags, never anything bigger.

There were obviously smaller 7-8 rnd mags as being common, but the 15 rnd were the biggest I ever seen in all of the guns that our whole family owned.

That Semi Auto bullshit is what really hit me hard where my favourite rifle was a .22 HORNET Semi Automatic with a 15 round mag and the most expensive scope that the old man ever fitted to a rifle :heart:

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That’s cool what manufacturer was that? Don’t know of that sort.

It’s a long time ago and I was only a kid/just turning teenager, but all my memory can think of is all of those late 70’s, early 80’s crap that we were using, which I think was RUGER, SAKO, SAVAGE or some other European brand?

We had many different guns from all of these different makers z, including NORINCO, BSA etc, but I’m sure the. 22 HORNET Semi Rifle was one of the first mentioned brands :thinking:

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