First post

Hey, I’m new to the whole gel blaster community but I planned on purchasing some for roughly two years. This year, I decided to start and purchased three CYMA M4A1 (60 USD each) blasters and two JM M4A1 (also 60 USD each) blasters, along with a runrest Glock (around 25) and a cheap 30~ rifle. I had an amazing experience with some friends. Do advise if these aren’t good blasters, I didn’t research them too hard.

I don’t have access to them currently so I’m purchasing another CYMA, it just feels a bit better in terms of quality and performance. Wondering if anyone here has anything notable to say about the CYMA G36, I’ve been planning on getting it for a friend and wanted to know if there were any faults with it. Also wondering why so many on the site purchase from 3rd parties instead of wholesale.

I’ve been reading the forums for about half a year now, and I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you better!

Edit: looking to increase the performance although keep in note will be using at somewhat close range.

Hey, welcome to the group, 7mm :wave: You’re Stateside, yeah?

Most of us here on the forum are Oz based, we buy from retailers because in order for us to import from an overseas supplier we have to acquire a B709a permit, which is a Customs and Borderforce hassle. It’s just easier, but only two of the seven states actually allow ownership… Queensland and South Australia. Go figure…

Sounds like you’ve got yourself some decent gear there… CYMA have a solid reputation here for reliability, and anything Jin Ming is pretty bulletproof. Can’t speak to the CYMA G36 blasters but if it’s a CYMA should be pretty well sorted. :+1:

Feel free to jump into any of the threads and discussions that interest you. Great bunch of people in here, more than happy to help. :blush:


Ah, Man, the whole aus situation seems so outlandish from an outside perspective, not even airsoft over there is legal. I hope it gets sorted soon, it seems judges are coming around at least.

Alright, thanks on the advice with cyma and jm, I’ll keep that in mind.


The powers that be look on airsoft even more dimly than gelsoft. :rofl:

Which is pretty silly considering the blasters are almost identical except for a few internal parts and the type of projectile they fire. :man_shrugging:

I’m just grateful I live in Queensland, the state where comonsense hasn’t been completely thrown out the window and lawmakers are able to recognise that these things are really just toys when all’s said and done.