Forum Backup Plan: In case of Emergency, break glass!

Hey guys and gals.
After a bit of discussion with several members regarding temporary Forum outages, have come up with a backup plan to be able to keep in contact in the event of a server shutdown.

@AKgelblaster has graciously offered her Discord Server as a place where any members here can join up if you are interested as a forum member.

Link to @AKgelblaster Discord:

Link below to the Australian Gelbaster Community group page:

Any issues with the links or anything else, just let me know :+1:

Be sure to thank @AKgelblaster for setting this up for the members here, much appreciated :clap:


Thanks, will check it out in due course :+1:

Thank you,
I under-sten that this is a good backup…!!

Thanks - and thanks to @AKgelblaster

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Thanks @AKgelblaster
Always good to have a backup.

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