Friendly Fire's Fire Clearance Giveaway!


#1 These items are being offered as donations to worthy new owners and ARE NOT FOR SALE.

#2 For full 100% transparency, anyone who is looking to aquire these items MUST reply in the comments section in this thread.

#3 Anyone trying to message @Friendly_Fire outside of the comments section will not be tolerated, reported and dealt with accordingly.

#4 These items are ONLY available to PROVEN LEGAL FORUM MEMBERS who we have definitive historical proof that they reside in LEGAL STATES.

#5 It remains @Friendly_Fire 's discretion as to who HE decides to pass on these items.
ANY arguments or disrespectful activity will see this thread removed immediately and Moderator actions taken against any offenders.

Good luck and well done to @Friendly_Fire to offer these items for those who can find them a deserving new home. :clap:

Many thanks to @DocBob for giving me the opportunity to use the forum as a means to pass this gear on.

I’ve decided to have a cull of the collection… I’m just going in a different direction with it and hate to see gear sitting around unused.

The idea of selling is not too appealing to me, so the following blasters are up for giveaway. I’d prefer that they go to members who have a genuine need or want who may be a little hard pressed to buy gear at the moment, but of course anyone’s free to inquire. I won’t be playing favourites on multiple inquiries, first one gets dibs, everyone’s equal and first to collect gets the blaster. Anyone wanting all of them will be called a greedy bastard. :laughing:

Keep in mind, I like the older gear so there’s not much high end gear here, but I can guarantee everything works and is functional. Some are stock, some pimped and some physically modified. Some pics are old and paint and accessories may vary, or not be included. Read the description, please don’t ask for chrono readings. These blasters perform at least at stock FPS. No lipos included.

Pick up by mutual agreement / arrangement, preferrably from Morayfield 4506, but possibly at a mid point depending on where you are… absolutely no postage.

As things are spoken for, the item will be marked as ALLOCATED with the member’s name on this post. To keep it fair and to give everyone a shot at a free blaster, multiple requests will be handled one at a time. If you request more than one, the second blaster stays up until I know that nobody else wants it, if so it’s yours. Hey, they’re free… gotta be fair :wink:

As they’re collected they’ll be removed from the listing.

Let’s go! Not many left.

Big Mac with Cheese frankenblaster, Mac-10 base, Vector handguard, Vector sights, PDW stock, forward wired large battery compartment, one mag. ALLOCATED - Cogman

LH Scorpion EVO3, bog stock, pre-Gen 8 box, unmolested, one mag. ALLOCATED - Cogman

QBZ Type 95, pre-Bing Feng, early gen, one mag but runs Gen 8s. ALLOCATED - Shadow187

Reply to post any expressions of interest, to guarantee vsibility to admins DMs won’t be entertained.

If I’m a little slow to reply to your post, please be patient. Internet’s a little sketchy due to the weather.


I’ll take the brown bess pulse rifle, thanks…!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

But seriously… well done for giving them away…
Its good karma, to pass on to others, who appreciate it and will give them some use…

I’m almost due for a cull myself…Almost…!!

Just dont leave the hobby entirely…!!

I don’t wanna be greedy, but i do like me a kriss vector, particularly if its dimensionally correct, and has a blackout kit fitted.

If noone else wants it, i would like to register my interest.
As always, your call.

I’m sure the rest will be snapped up ASAP.

Good luck.!

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I’m not going anywhere @BME :wink: I’ll be here. Just taking a different direction. :+1:

Brown Bess PR? What Brown Bess PR? :rofl:

Interest in the Vector duly noted, BME. Marked accordingly.

Awesome way to get karma points mate!
Some nice and unique items, and some collectors pieces too.

I have enough… I… have… enough… :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Keep telling yaself mate… you might even start to believe it! :rofl:

Cough cough, mg42, cough cough…

I’d be interested in the Steyr for the collection or the CZ if someone else wants the Steyr


Steyr’s yours if you want it, Wombat.

I guess the fair way would be to pick one now, I’ll mark it allocated and then if nobody wants the other, it’s yours too. :thinking:

Sound fair? Which one do you want to lock in?

Prefer the Steyr if that’s OK

Of course… marked accordingly. :+1:

Which CZ were you also interested in? The WZ61 or EVO3? Keep an eye on it, whichever one… if it doesn’t get grabbed stick your hand up :wink:

We’re gonna need a bigger forum… :rofl:

Calmly waiting for the next 15% off, sale at ihobby…


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Prefer the WZ61 thanks`


Noted @Wombat… if nobody else puts up their hand for it, it’ll be yours along with the Steyr. :+1:

Shouldn’t take more than a day or two to sort out what’s what. :wink:

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Just giving this away, why not try and get some money back to put into buying new stuff haha, that 1911 is looking pretty nice, happy to give you some bucks… or a nice mp5

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thats a mighty generous generosity there Friendly,

I wouldn’t mind adding a Glock to my collection eventually, although the adaptor on the Hi Cappa looks like it would fit my bifrost perfectly


However my JG Works 1911 supposedly has the same internals as the hi cappa, the slide looks practically identical

I don’t have a Glock tho, would like one, one day for sure

If I could be put on the back burner for the Glock that’d be great, although not sure when I’ll be up your way next and I’m sure someone else could pick it up before I got up there

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@shadow187 If you want the DB Glock I can mark it for you.

The GE Hi Capa has a 14mm CCW thread adaptor on it.

Let me know… The way the weather’s going I don’t think anyone’s going to be keen to travel far, so no rush for pick up.

@Chimera Nothing’s being sold, all given away.

Did you mean the GE 2011 Hi Capa? No bucks, free to a good home.


yes please Friendly. much appreciated :blush:

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Noted @shadow187 marked the listing. No rush for pickup.

If someone from the southside’s doing a pickup once the weather improves, you may be able to get them to pick up yours too then you can get it from them.

But that’s up to you.

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