G17 mag lips in 7-7.5mm

Hey fellas, I’ve found most glock mag lips to still be made to suit 6mm plastic bb, does someone make lips with 7mm spec? I’ve resorted to modifying existing lips but can be hit and miss, I’ve found we tech hi-capas and 1911’s to have larger lips which measure 7mm and never have feeding issues, alway problem with the glocks.

I know my Kublai P1 lips used to be properly suited for 7.5mm gels, and when i had undersized gels they’d tend to pop out the top. Might be hard getting your hands on them still, though.

I’m not 100% sure as I didn’t have time to test it for other sizes before I shipped it off, but the DB G19 mags seem to be well sized, too.

I warm with a heat gun and size with a shank of a 9/32" or 1/4" drill bit. Try the 1/4" first if you are growing smaller than 7.3"