GEN 8 Gearbox Fire Select/MOSFET Options

Hi all, new guy here. For a Gen8 blaster (e.g. JM M4 or 416c), you could get the M4GT gearbox and put a mosfet in it. I put that gearbox with a T238 v1.42 mosfet in my JM 416c (needed to work on the cable placement and modify the receiver/fire select switch/motor grip to make it fit) and now the 416c works like a v2 blaster with semi.

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Thanks for the advice, certainly a great option to fit a V style gearbox into the Gen8 :+1:

Hi guy’s, sorry to jump into your post, but I was reading this and remembered some years ago I modded my old gen8 blaster with an urrkii mosfet g3. I wanted a gen8 machine pistol lightweight style blaster for cqb but needed semi fire, I have it set on 3 round burst and full auto, it’s front wired with the battery inside a peq box with mosfet outside to see the flashing led when setting up, the gearbox has 16:1 gears short stroked 2 teeth and an m95 spring with high speed/torque shs motor, here are some pics if anyone is looking for build ideas, once again sorry to jump in on your post.


No apologies necessary, my man… you didn’t jump in, you joined the conversation and input some useful info. That’s what this forum’s all about. :+1:

Nice blaster, and good to hear some first hand experience with the Urrkii G3.

Just waiting on the mailman to drop that MOFET goodness into my mailbox. :wink:

Yeah, definitely no apologies needed, but cheers for the respect for asking :+1:
Good quality reply and always appreciate sound advice and pics :sunglasses:

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Sorry, haven’t dropped in🙄
Sounds like the info is sorted though :rofl:

Cheers, but the Fat Lady hasn’t even started to sing yet…… so your wisdom may still be required! :sunglasses:

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Just got an email from AliExpress about the Urrkii MOSFET…

Glad that it being an airsoft item wasn’t an issue for customs… wasn’t sure about that.

Only purchased one mate!
I used to order at least a half dozen of gadgets each time, just to keep the parts bins stocked for future builds :joy:

But also a good idea only ordering a single item, not knowing if Customs are going to take it away from you too.

Good news is on its way and can’t wait to see how you go finishing the build :+1:

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Yep, I wanted to see if there would be any customs issues before ordering in more. Didn’t want to risk the outlay not knowing.

Now that I know there isn’t, more will be getting ordered. There are a few more older builds that’ll be getting fire control… :wink:

I was able to bring several in without a problem … but it’s probably the luck of the draw

I have got 8 in so far, they aren’t shipped as airsoft items only electronics which is what they are👍

Cool… good to know. :+1:

I do know anything coming in with the word “airsoft” in the product or company name used to get kiboshed by customs…

Maybe commonsense has prevailed :thinking:

I got 6 of those Urrkii’s no problem, plenty other different brands/designs from many other companies by the box load too without any issues.

As Bigmuthadrums commented, they are only electronics, not “gun” looking accessories, I really don’t think Customs would be too concerned about it :+1:

Finally got around to installing the Urrkii MOSFET into the EVO3…

Looking for advice here, because just plugging the MOSFET into the blaster through the battery plug, I get constant auto fire without going anywhere near the trigger. As soon as the battery plug makes contact, away she goes. The two wires to the trigger aren’t even plugged into the MOSFET :man_shrugging:

So seeing as how I’m having radiotherapy on my head and severe brain fog is a very real thing atm, I took it to my local tech who’s hard wiring it in. He’s having the same problem and can’t figure out why.

I’m of the opinion that the Urrkii’s faulty OOTB, but has anyone who’s used these MOSFETs before found this? Am I missing something?

FYI the two wires coming from the back are for an on/off switch in lieu of a hard safety.

Hopefully you are reading the instruction manual?

My memory is pretty cloudy, but had to pull/hold trigger when first plugged in to enter into programming mode.

But definitely doesn’t sound right to me that it’s firing as soon as connected.
That’s usually a result of the mag terminals looping back through the trigger mechanism :thinking:

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The weird thing is that it auto fires with no wires connected to the trigger switch at all… and with no mag terminals wired into the equation either. :man_shrugging:

I know this because when I tried to fit it I completely removed the messy wiring and rewired it gen 8 style minus mag wires, trigger switch isolated completely.

The tech tried a new trigger switch thinking it may be the problem but still auto firing the minute a battery’s hooked up to it.

Had a Vector do the same once… fried MOSFET.

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Yeah, unfortunately sounds like a faulty MOSFET :frowning:

Can’t believe your luck that you would be the very first person who I have ever heard to have an issue with the Urrkii.

There’s been hundreds of thousands sold worldwide for many years now and have never heard of a single fault with any of them :thinking:

Did you bridge the mosfet output to run the mag?
I made a plug so it had a double set of wires, one set to the motor and a thinner set to go to the mag terminals.
If just plugging in not hardwired ensure it’s plugged into the blaster before plugging the battery in and wait for solid light🤔


Waiting for an update mate?

Have you had any further success with this?

You should be entitled to a refund from the supplier if it’s proven to be a faulty product.

Failing that, I went looking through my old spare parts inventory and have found at least one of probably many brand new ones that I have stored away somewhere.

In other words……. I might still have quite a few of these packed away in boxes, but I definitely have one in my hands right now that I found in a random box of electronics that I searched through from your original comments/issues.

I think your first port of call would be to contact the supplier directly if your product is faulty…… but let me know if you have no luck, because I have at least one in my collection that I can send out to you if needed …… because I obviously don’t have any need for them anymore :frowning: