GEN 8 Gearbox Fire Select/MOSFET Options

The blaster’s still around at the tech’s shop, Doc… great guy, knows his stuff and doesn’t want payment if he can’t get it working.

We’re both of the opinion that it’s a dud Urrkii, so I will be getting back to the seller. AliX is a bit of a pain though, so might take a while. Took weeks to get here in the first place :flushed:

Cheers for the offer of the fet :+1: I may take you up on that and buy one off you, gotta be quicker than going ex China again. If he can’t get it working in a few days I’ll let you know :sunglasses:

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No worries…… I would hope that you would get a refund or replacement from the supplier first, but if you have no luck, I’ll happily send you one :sunglasses::+1:

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The frustratinging part about all this is that normally I do all my own work. I usually don’t involve 3rd party techs in anything I do, seems to be defeating the purpose of the whole exercise.

I’ve been having radiotherapy on my head for past three weeks and one of the side effects is chronic brain fog… I’m like a five year old with a soldering iron at the moment. Even a simple Gen 8 wiring job seems like wiring up the ISS :joy: the good news is it’s temporary and this week’s the last week of treatment so it’s onwards and upwards from here :+1:

But the guy looking at my blaster’s a top bloke, runs his own store and he’s happy to have it on the bench for as long as it needs to be. He’s been reluctant to take any money for labour he’s already put into it if it fails to work, considering he didn’t supply the Urrkii that’s a pretty rare ethic these days. :wink:

It’ll get sorted one way or another… can’t keep a good EVO down, I say :laughing:

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I also have a few new ones here if needed👍