@crysis1 is in Victoria, so we won’t be encouraging advice as to how to obtain any blasters, unless he has a permit, but I highly doubt it as they are extremely hard to obtain.
Ignoring the legal issues…
Glocks are something I never liked the looks or feel of… until I was handed one at an indoor field and used it for a round. They point nicely and have a good two handed modern grip and work well. They are tools of work in the real steel, for good reason. They just work well.
Now I have 2 WE Glocks and a AW… and thinking of getting a long slide WE to complete the size variants!
If you got a double bell glock, that won’t help. They are somewhere mediocre or below, and the triggers compared to a WE are awful. You would never own one after owning a WE.
They certainly do confirmed 420k rounds in my club before failure. They are just flippy which has been mitigated by the popularity of the G19 less slide reciprocating mass. They’ve changed the recoil springs, they’ve changed the grip, not the angle.
They just suck and the CZ75 was always better, holds more rounds and keep evolving while Glock does nothing.
Oh sorry the 33 rnd mag for PCC.
Inaccurate due to the unsupported chamber and polygonal rifling.
Most people if not trained properly don’t do well with Glocks. They’ve sat on their hands reaping the rewards of their initial success and done nothing since Gaston kicked the bucket.
Am I the only one here that has better results with Golden Eagle and Double Bell the WE. I’ve sold most of my WE pistols as they were unreliable and had very loose slides. Only have a rattly WE 4.3 2011, mainly out of curiosity
I run a DB G22 in games as it was cheap and it’s light, reliable and never fails to deliver a gel. 1911’s/ 2011’s/ 92FS are for shed plinking. E&C quality appears to be better than all of them.
And the hardest hitting and most accurate pistol in the collection is the CEH Atomic Armoury (Wells) HiCappa that I got in exchange for the crappy revolvers that CEH sold as “metal”. Folklore at Blacksite is that there is a pistol guru at CEH
And one of my M4a1 Glocks still runs - the CO2 powered on died in the hammer group
Pistols, other than the 92FS get a mag through them generally every week
We ran the club Glocks at the club for a while before we picked up the RIA 1911. Much prefer the 1911 and don’t get slide bite when I forget to get too low on the grip. Worse than Hipower hammer bruise
Oh yea that’ll get ya. Glocks are notorious for that as they are flippy and you got your hand glove whatever it WILL induce a slide stoppage. Not the sort of thing you want under duress.
How do you find the RIA, I read good reports. Should be pretty good.
I’ll try to explain it. When you fire the muzzle rises as it recoils. It’s right there on top of your hand cycling. If your grip is not quite how it should be, kiss a bit of skin goodbye and stoppage.
Show clear drop mag reload and try again.
Something like a CZ75 now we are talking. Little recoil because of the lower mass in the slide, glass for trigger. No flippy. Hands down best pistol, yes I have shot a Desert Eagle 44M pos
I have shot a few GLOCKS that belonged to a good mate of mine in his local Gun Club, and can relate to the 2 handed firing grip, but in reality, the Gelbaster versions of Glock pistols definitely don’t require two hands to shoot!
The pre production FB G18C that I was sent was actually a really great pistol, which sent thousands of gels through it being used by many different people outside of the Gelbaster hobby without any issues whatsoever
It obviously took a fair bit of effort and patience to get the gels the exact right hardness and size, along with the proper gas filling, but otherwise couldn’t fault it… unlike the shitty final production release model
RIA is great and really good value. Son-in-law and grand-daughter run it every couple of weeks and haven’t had a problem. Only mod is ambi-safety as he is left hooker