Hanke Glock 17 Gen4

Hi, I am looking for a rather cheap, electric, semi automatic pistol with not that much power. On M416Gelblaster I found the Hanke Glock 17 Gen4. I couldn’t find any review or whatever on that blaster online. Has anybody here had any experience with that blaster?

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Yeah, not much info out there on those Hanke Glocks. There aren’t too many electric mag fed pistols left on the market at all these days, they’re mostly gas blow back. I’m guessing a GBB would be too overpowered for your needs. :man_shrugging:

If the Hanke fits your requirements I’d say grab it. Being a Hanke it won’t be the highest quality and should be underpowered enough for you, and I don’t think you’ll have a lot of other options anyway.

You could always try to pick up a 3DG G17, built well but they were problematic and batteries were like rockinghorse shit, impossible to find. The older SKD Glocks spring to mind too, but we’re talking plastic construction. A manual KELe G17 might work for you too.

I’d roll the dice on the Hanke if you’re set on an electric pistol… ticks all of your boxes and, more importantly, available on the market. :+1:


Thank you for the advice. I guess I really don’t have that many options, especially considering my price range and I’ll just grab the Hanke. A gbb would be indeed be too powerful. Maybe I’ll write a short review or something when I get it.

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Just a few bits of advise, from my experience…

  1. you’ll need a b709.
  2. when i last checked, m416 wasn’t posting to Australia. There have been issues getting stuff out of HK recently, i dont know if thats still the case. Check with them first, via email.

I had a b709, placed an order, and they refunded it, saying they dont post to OZ.
Dont know if thats changed…

Finally, ihobby are selling a elec pistol, 150 fps, for $200.
In Oz, and no b709…

At least the battery storage on that is better than the 3DG units… 7.4v too, so spares should be no problem.

The 3dg’s got up around 180-190 with the right gels…

With a bit of refinement, there could be quite the market, for good elec blow backs…

No leaky gas, and quieter operation…

I was getting 200+ out of my 3DG G17 and very consistent feeding with no breakages. Took a lot of work to get it there however.

I didn’t mind them at all once you sorted the mag lips and stopped breaking gels. Great shell, very solid and well detailed. My biggest and only gripe with it was the absolutely horrible way that unique lipo fit into the ridiculously cramped mag, an easy problem to solve now with so much creative 3D printing going on.

There are a lot of pluses with EBB. Like you said, no expensive gas refilling, very little maintenance compared to GBB, snappy enough at the right voltage, and lower than GBB FPS more in line with younger players.

But TacToys killed the potential in those 3DG G17s by overhyping them and giving no after sales support when the inevitable problems reared their rather ugly cruets. So they got a very bad rep and weren’t successful on the market.

I had one… got it working reliably and shooting hard. But I got sick of wrestling with the mag batteries and gave it away. :man_shrugging:

Wish I hadn’t… wouldn’t mind another one to fettle with and sort out. :thinking:

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Be careful what you wish for…!!
:rofl: :rofl:

Yeah, I know… :laughing:

I mean, I’ve got a DB SAI G17 downstairs, why would I need a 3DG? Guess I just enjoy the challenge of polishing a turd… metaphorically speaking, of course.

I don’t literally shine butt nuggets for entertainment. :rofl:

In the olden days of windsoft, the electrically operated pistols had a battery in the grip and the magazine was thin, not much larger than the pellet. Not as realistic as a wide based EBB pistols being sold now but they were easy to reload and they had a much harder kick than the TT’s 3DG attempt. Battery ran the length of the grip

My favourite saying:

Might not be able to polish a turd,
But can always roll it in glitter! :rofl:

I wonder what ever happened to the TT stock now that they’ve been shut down basically? mentioning 3DG.

Liquidators probably seized their stock, and auctioned it of off to other suppliers, I would imagine. Selling for whatever they could get for it.

Then used the proceeds to pay creditors….ATO comes first.

I doubt there would have been anything left, rumours suggest they went bust owing around $800k to the ATO…

Any 3dg stock would be long gone…

I seem to remember they had no 3DG left only a few broken ones.

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Yeah TT had 3DG Glocks in their parts and props category for ages.

Speaks volumes. :rofl:

I don’t know how to go back in time and find the information that I want to provide here, but was a long time ago on this forum that I was in touch with an actual TaccyToys employee who spilled the beans in a post on Reddit.

I spoke with him personally, then invited him to join this Forum and give the inside information as to how TaccyToys was being “run”.

It was a shit show of a business, and he said that every single corner of the premises was piled high with boxes of returned/broken Gelblasters, along with E-Scooters, Drones, Electronic Toys and all sorts of cheap Chinese crap exploits that had failed to make a market/profit from :roll_eyes:

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In short, it was all about flogging cheap Chinese products onto the Australian market, not actually purely focused on Gelblasters themselves whatsoever, only on whatever they could flog for the most profit… which turned out to be Gelbasters over scooters, drones or whatever.

Obviously this means that their primary focus WASN’T about the Gelbaster hobby or its customers themselves, it was always only about promoting and selling whichever product that they happened to be making the most profits from.

If their electric scooters or Drones hapened to be more popular/profitable than Gelbasters, then they would have headed down that path of being the best supplier in Australia for that particular genre, regardless of their actual knowledge in that particular hobby :roll_eyes:

They found Gelblasters were the moneymaker at the time, so they just ran with it, despite having no knowledge or interest in the products they were selling, it was all about bullshit marketing and lies to cash in on the popularity of Gelblasters in Australia despite actually having ANY investment in what they were selling nor the hobby itself :rage:

I just realised that I left out the fact that TaccyToys originally got into simply selling cheap Chinese imported items, then quickly locked onto the Gelbaster market after failing in selling those other products.

They obviously built their reputation on Gelblasters, but that was only after trying to sell other “trending” products earlier and not having any success in the marketplace.

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They weren’t alone in that, but they were the best at the worst practices for it!
And not paying tax is a sure way to make sure you are out of business!

Seen a facebook post where apparently their stock is being liquidated- offered to retailers as a bulk lot with handsome price. And Vas from X-force said it is all dead or garbage hopper fed kids grade shit, and not worth the price of admission. Be interesting to see who takes it on as that sounds like a lot of work to get the benefit of the bargain.

Even the retailer I worked for ended up with a absolute F*** ton of dead stock. Some were returns, some are just DOA. They were a bit better than taccytoys in that the dead were harvested for parts for repairs, turned into customs or repaired with upgraded parts. They are cheaply made toys with minimal standards so it is just a factor of the business I guess.

Gel ball is like life, it has two certainties! Death, and taxes!


That’s exactly what I found out in my conversations with the bloke who was hired to “restructure” the TaccyToys warehouse.

He told me in great detail the amount of shitfuckery that the company was doing, along with the exact same thing you commented about the piles of broken and crap blasters piled high all over the joint like huge rubbish piles.

In true TaccyToys form, they employed some “techs” to go through some of the piles of shit to hobble together “Gelbasters” into functional sellable items for the customers to try and recoup some costs.

When we were all hearing throughout the hobby that customers were questioning that their “brand new” Blasters were looking very second hand straight out of the box, this was what they were being sent.

Roughly thrown together blasters made up from the big pile of broken shite by low paid workers to assemble something that could be passed off as a new factory supplied product.

What’s that, it looks like shit and doesn’t work?
Sorry, but our TaccyToys warranty department don’t quite believe you! :rage:

Vas knows his shit and has only reinforced the fact that the whole TaccyToys company had nothing of value or quality whatsoever :roll_eyes:

Anything that the administrators find is worth absolutely ZERO from a financial point of view.

I just hope that all their workers can get what’s owed to them.