Help ID this blaster

Hi guys. The store I got my first hobbygrade blaster listed this blaster on the website. No indication of features, let alone a brand name. It’s only listed as HK416 Blaster. A google lens search sent me to this page but it wasn’t very helpful either. From the pictures looks like it has semi-auto and full auto which is rare in toy blasters. My TG Arp9 v2 which I bought from the same store was 120AUD more expensive so you have an idea where it stands price wise.

hk416-gel-blaster (1)
hk416-gel-blaster (2)
hk416-gel-blaster (3)

Appears to be the SKD M4SS, although from memory, the trigger should be red?

Na not the SKD M4SS as that had 4 way selector, safe, semi, burst and auto. Quite the pioneer it was.

Sorts of looks like the SKD physically though. But the GL launcher. I dunno what is going on with that trigger placement :rofl: Different to say the least.

Likely a new model from some company maybe. No details or manufacturer is yep not buying that one for me.

Maybe @AKgelblaster might know it :person_shrugging:

except for the buttstock :thinking:

It’s not an HK416 with that AR style pistol grip either.

Might be a mash up of parts put together by the seller.

SKD does have a verison with a grenade launcher. However; this one in particular May or May not comes from SKD.

Found it.

It’s a tg hk416d. Basically the same as the tg m4a1 v2

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It’s a whole load of mixture Hk416D’s stock + M4SS’s hand guard with foldable front iron + SCAR’s GL…

Thought might be the Bing Feng Scar grenade launcher but the mouldings look different.

The TG416D doesen’t come with GL so must be a mash up. Nor the HK stock, different sight, different everything mostly. I dunno. :person_shrugging: