Help with Thor Shells

Hey everyone,

I just bought myself a thor grenade launcher and have been having a few issues I was hoping someone more experienced would know about. My main issue is that I’m using these shells which are advertised to work with the Thor but they have no mechanism for keeping the gels within the shell itself when not firing. This means if I point the blaster at the ground (like when it is in a holster) all the gels pop out.

The other minor issue is that at least two of the three I bought immediately had issues with firing two shots in a short space of time (about a minute). Seems like the temperature drop from firing a shell makes the shell stop firing out properly for a bit or fire out of some but not all of the lines of gels. Anyway hoping to hear if anyone else has had similar issues and for some advice here because the thor seems like a lot of fun to play around with.

The double bell shells do need full size gels to not fall out. They do t have to be ultra hard gels but do have to be a good fit. I personally download them, only putting 2-3 gels in wash hole that way they still punch gels out a decent velocity. Experiment and see what works for you and where you use them but I found that even at 5m a shell fully loaded people don’t notice they are getting showered. But 2-3 gels per hole they do!

They also sometimes need a bit of a tap on a bench or something hard to knock the striker pin back to a point where they will reset and hold gas.


Awesome that’s the advice I was looking for thank you. I was using some of my older gels for testing so it makes sense that they weren’t sticking like full sized gels might. I’ll test it again when I’m prepping to play this weekend.

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