HPA internal barrel, tee and hop ups

Another great heap of good information :ok_hand:
Make your posts as long as you need when sharing such great advice :+1:

BTW, welcome to the forum, you are off to a great start!
Head over to the Introduction thread and tell everyone a little about yourself :sunglasses:

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Introduction would be good too @Girds :+1:

Hi Doc, just did a blurb on the Introduce Yourself thread :+1:t2:

…….and it’s a good one too! :white_check_mark:

I’m convinced that a stainless steel 500mm long 7.5mm inner barrel is the way to go for my HPA build.
I am a fan of stainless steel barrels due to their weight for vibration dampening purposes (and accuracy that comes with less barrel movement) but can’t find any that aren’t tight bore.
Why can’t I find a 7.5mm inner diameter stainless steel barrel anywhere?
I looked at brass but worry about tarnishing and relative flexibility compared with stainless steel.
Anyone know where to source a “wide bore” stainless steel inner barrel?

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I should have searched for the answer first, I found this post

I have contacted WAT and will report on the response :slightly_smiling_face:


Try xforce aswell I’m not a 100% but I think one of the guys at WAT told me they get them from xforce.

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Mostly because they have never been made to my little knowledge, all been 7.3mm SS and that was the sweet spot with the likes of the OG AKA’s in AEG setup.

As far as HPA, you might be looking for a 7.5mm ID at a guess because it is a fair bit different from AEG and make use of the extra volume.

I would recommend as a second to a stainless and extremely good to try out your sizing 55 cm X-Force Barrel 9.5 mm Outer 7.5 mm Inner - X-Force Tactical
they are the next best thing to a SS barrel. Trim it to your length. They are a high polish internal and very good in my experience, I see no difference to the SS barrel.

Take it as you will but I don’t know of the availability of the size you are after in SS, thought some other HPA guru’s would have commented by now. Good luck :wink:


Yup, 7.3 seems to be the only size ever made available in polished stainless, but that’s still a good useable diameter which I always never had issues with :+1:

The HPA are 7.6mm as far as I can see, which is territory that I certainly never had any experience with :thinking:

Thanks for the extra info, I have messaged x-force as well in pursuit of the unicorn of inner barrels, a 7.5mm stainless steel variant. :slightly_smiling_face:


I may have to settle on a 7.3mm barrel but I dread the chore of control growing gels. I’m super busy and usually just toss them in water the night before I need them.
I was hoping a 7.5mm barrel would allow me to accurately feed my blaster anything on hand.
Maybe I am over thinking it and the HPA will push anything down a 7.3mm barrel and still group tightly but I don’t have the experience or knowledge to make an educated choice at this stage.


One way to find out… give it a go with what you can get :+1: :wink:


As per my earlier comments, I never had any issues whatsoever with 7.3 barrels in any AEG builds from 270-350 FPS.

Never had to control grow any gels, I in fact used the cheap shitty OOTB blue/white/green gels in all my testing, unless it was GBB or tighter bore 7.1 barrels, where I had to use Ultra Elites/X-Force/AKA/Tenacity hardened gels controlled and put through various sieves to obtain the absolute perfect size required. :roll_eyes:

A 7.3 running HPA should be a piece of piss when using quality hardened gels with a roughly tested and measured growth time.

For the sake of $30-$40 , I would recommend just grabbing the available quality Stainless 7.3 and giving it a try…… certainly have nothing to lose and certainly not many other options available :thinking::+1:

As much I hate using the 7.5mm alloy barrel in my hpa it does give better accuracy then running it with the stainless barrel. I had the wat/xforce stainless barrel that was in it while it was an aeg.

Not sure if you goto hardcore blasters but have a chat to Lachie the tech there he can’t prob explain it better then me but with hpa you want more air going around the gel to keep it centre barrel. I did get them to order a 7.65mm id brass barrel but was unfortunately the wrong size so I can’t test if that theory works.

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Makes sense that they sell the 7.6 barrels specifically for HPA with that reasoning :+1:

WAT have advised me that they do have the 7.5mm stainless inner barrels in store.

I have stretched the friendship by now asking about 7.6mm in stainless steel.
I am leaning toward grabbing a 7.5mm (once I confirm 7.6mm is not available) if I can order over the phone and get one posted out.
I will keep everyone updated.
Thanks for the input team.

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Armoured Heaven and Command Elite have have the 7.65 HPA Barrels available I’m sure :+1:

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Hey mate ive used the bigbore barrells before and had nothing but issues.fps was ok but accuracy and distance were garbage.I tried another big bore and just the same again.to be fair could be my blaster being there are so many variables with hpa.

In all 3 of mine I use the 7.3mm stainless barrell and not had an issue.on avg across the 3 blasters im hitting about 340 on 90 psi.my jacks are using 15 to 18 dp and my f2 is on 8.
My arp is a 220mm barrell and my slrs are 275mm.500mm seems a bit excessive but not if youre building a long boi haha.
You use more air with a big bore as you have to wind the dp up.Ive played against guys who swear by bigbores and im getting the same if not better results to what they were getting accuracy wise.
This is just my personal experience but Hope this is some food for thought for you anyway bud.good luck with the build


Thanks @ScArecRoW for the new perspective, especially considering it comes from personal experience.

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Just when I think I have made up my mind on 7.5mm stainless for my barrel I find this

Teflon infused nickel plating on a copper HPA barrel.
Supposed to be slippery as possible and super accurate.
Stock seems to be intermittent and not sure if 500mm is available, have sent them a message and will advise the outcome.

Sounds like witchcraft but if I can get accuracy out to 50 meters I’d sell my soul (or at least sacrifice a goat) :laughing: