Random AEG questions

Nice find, I think I will give it a go and report back on the quality

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Thanks for the info. If the stainless barrel @Wombat found turns out to be a dud the Xforce barrel will be my next pick

Well the stainless 7.5mm ID inner barrel arrived from eBay and it isn’t anything to write home about. The dimensions are accurate but the finish on the inside is rubbish.
There isn’t a seem but it would require polishing before I even thinking about using it.
Here is the best photo I could get of the finish

This is after giving it a hit of brake and parts cleaner to remove residue


Hhhmmmm…. rings true to my previous comments.

AUSGEL and X-Force barrels are mirror polished internally, whilst the other 90% of cheap barrels available from IHobby/EBay/China are of the rough quality as you have been delivered :confused:

Famous quote that I have always lived by my whole life:

Quality ain’t cheap and cheap ain’t quality.

Proof has always been in the product.

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What in the blue mother of gel balls is that😳
You get a better finish with a straight reamer than that has🤔

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For those interested WAT has 35cm long 7.4mm ID stainless barrels available. They are not listed online though, you need to get them in store. They cost $35, and are have a mirror finish on the inside.


Has anyone gotten their hands on one of these? Gel fight quasar. One of my kids is outgrowing his modded m1911 but is too little to handle a m4 or similar.
Me thinks (hopes) theres a p90 gearbox in this.
Metal barrel, mag feed. Cant find any spare drums yet. Fps all over the place from 150 to 250, but that shows promise its a bigger gearbox that just needs some tlc.


found this on youtube. There isn't a man who wouldn't love to have a gel blaster like this, is there - YouTube

looks to be a knockoff or even rebranding of Tactoys.


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and @DocBob
wasnt it you who asked about this blaster?

Where are these available from?:thinking:

@Bigmuthadrums Zhenduo


Yeah but nah…… was the HKI MP5 that myself, @Bigmuthadrums and @BME were discussing, as it turned out that we all had one :sunglasses:

That one pictured isn’t a HKI though :confused:

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Purchased the tan version on the weekend, now to wait for delivery :sweat_smile:

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Please give a review and show whats inside!

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Not a problem, first thing I will do is rip it apart anyway :rofl::+1:


Sounds familiar!
Used to be my favourite part of getting a brand new blaster :flushed::joy:

Regarding engine heating, my m16 BLG with all the internal upgrades except the engine… well, it makes it (the engine) get hot when it comes to shooting for a while… I have a programmable g3 MOSFET inside, I have it programmed to fire shot by shot, but I really don’t know if the system is protecting me as a MOSFET, can someone give me a hand or a cable? hahaha should I change the engine later? Should I program the MOSFET somehow? Or should I not pay attention to those heatings… they are not excessive heating but a charger shot by shot you touch the plastic and it is warm

If semi motors usually heat up from start and stop. Run auto they are usually cooler. Back your braking off in your mosfet if you can to help.

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I understand but I need to know if the MOSFET works as protection as I have joining the replica, the MOSFET and the battery, or do I have to solder the extra cable that the MOSFET brings in its package somewhere :thinking:

thanks for the tips i’ll leave them for a few days and see what happens. i had better luck with the gels that came with it. yes i it does make noise when i primes i find it fires better when i hold the primer down while shooting, is that normal? sorry couldnt reply on other thread