Say you had to start all over and could only buy one blaster, what are you getting and why?
That’s a tough question as there are many great blasters.
I’d go for a CYMA M4. Cheap, reliable and easily upgradable.
If it could only be one, and no more could ever be added… metal cyma m4, any of them that suits but I personally would take a classic M4A1. Good and reliable out of the box… and solid upgrade potential.
If I were just starting the collection over, I would probly start with my JinMing J12 AK74u, love that thing. Cheap enough to just have fun and not care about it, but it just lives on through everything anyway!
Can I share my hypothetical?
M41A pulse rifle.
Did you need to ask.??
Though, i might slip a gen2 burton, in the back pocket…
I like it minus the grenade launcher.
That’s one fine looking bit of gear
In answer to the original question…
JM J12 for sure, but would love an L1A1 FAL/SLR or OWEN SMG.
I’m another CYMA M4 devotee… solid performers that need bugger all out of the box mods.
If I was forced to settle for just one rifle…
One pistol, SOCOM MK23, without a doubt…
hypothetically, i am a movie gun guy… will take the John Wick pistols…but they’re all good and it’s a tossup between the G34 and Pit Viper.
CYMA M4 Nylon.
GBX M4 metal.
I got loads of blasters and they are just the best mix of price and reliability.
If I had to choose one, GBX metal because I can run 11v batteries in it without blowing the gearbox up like in the CYMA…
Double Bell Kar98.
I don’t care about fields. Don’t have the time with work…
Work sux but you need the Bucks
As long as you can squirrel away a few dollars to spend on whatever blows ya hair back, you are doing alright in life
Aint that the truth
Except I have no hair
No doubt m60, mount it on a landcruiser and shred up fields
I saw that one, hmm the Remington would probably squash it
Anyone else here want to “donate” to the cause of getting @Maiphut a new hair transplant like this?