
Any body import from , Csnoobs online store , or had any problems , I purchased a elec gel blaster pistol, but added for packaging, toy gel blaster.

I can only comment on my experiences back in the good old days of WA Laws regarding my many thousands of parts that I used to order from all around the world.

You have taken the right first steps in contacting the supplier and stating that you need to have your package labeled in a way that it Doesn’t have any Company name or Labelling that implies that it’s from an “Airsoft” Supplier and that the products that are in the shipping documents are purely Gelblaster/Kids Toy parts.

The only issues that I ever had getting letters from Australian Customs/Border Force was because the Suppliers shop floor packaging/shipping employees didn’t get the Instructions to ship in censored versions of their normal shipping labels :frowning:

It’s not doing anything illegal to buy and receive Gelblaster parts and accessories, but unfortunately much of the stuff that we are trying to import comes from Airsoft related suppliers that wave huge red flags through our Customs Officers if not labeled correctly :roll_eyes:

Everyone here is well aware about my constant crying about a Metal CYMA Gearbox that I lost to Australian Customs.

It was way back when the very first CYMA/JUND M4 CQB’s were being released, but as usual, I was already a few steps ahead of the game and realised that I could get Metal CYMA Gearboxes to suit from out of the USA in preparation for being able to build metal gearboxes not only for myself, but also as a feature for potential future customers by the time the M4 CQB was released in Australia.

Unfortunately it didn’t go to plan…… only ordered a single gearbox to test the waters of Australian Customs, and yet was seized and destroyed, so never bothered to try and waste money trying to import more of them :disappointed:

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