JinMing MP5K

Yeah, not good…

@Wombat what sort of failure did the gearbox have? :thinking:

I was seriously considering ordering one of these tonight… think I’ll take BME’s advice and wait to see the outcome of this. :man_shrugging:

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Sounds like piston ladder

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Ouch!! 20 characters

mm me too, I’ll be waiting now see how gti and Wombat go. I was kinda thinking bit hmm I dunno when Wombat mentioned the odd size main spring.

Of course I could just throw that in the bin and fit a decent V2 alloy box I have sitting on the shelf collecting dust.


Same! Get the facuck outta my head! :joy:


"Whats the chorus, boys and girls…??

It wouldn’t be Gel, if you didn’t have to f@%k with it…!!"

If nothing else, $160 gets you a pretty cheap shell.
put a decent gearbox in it with a few upgraded parts, and your good to go.

Mind you, the LDT box might appeal to others now, if you need to replace the JM gearbox…
The metal gearbox and gears in the LDT were pretty reasonable…lets just see what performance we can squeeze out of it…

Yet the most reliable blasters are the $100 CYMA/Jund M4’s with nylon gearbox and gear that run forever with M100 springs. Add metal gears, good piston and volumetric matched barrel and 300fps all day


@BME the next time we’re occupying the same space and time we’re going to try out the longer barrel from my MP5 in your K and see if we can rule out short barrel length as a cause for the low FPS. It also has an o ring in the t piece, so we’ll see if that helps. :point_up_2:

That’s a known 260FPS unit, your gearbox and airseal should be better than mine, so I’d expect to see at least the same FPS if not higher.

It’s all about logical elimination of possible issues until we get it right. :+1:


im very much hoping iHobby just swap it. I really want this gat. It feels very nice … and i bought 2 extra mags. whats worse is my first attempt to shoot it was at wifes car as she and the boy pulled in … but noooo… im left looking like a d$%k with my 14yo laughing at me.

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Maybe, with some luck, these were the 2 failures, out of a batch of 200….

Murphy seems to like finding us…

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yep, shall see. Not sure if theyre open weekends and are likely to respond

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The unfortunate reality of a short barrel is the gel only has a small distance/time to be accelerated before it is on its way over there.
Mate and I messed around with a 160mm barrel blaster that with an m100 would send gels over there at 330fps, very consistently… then used an m110 spring to see what we could get out of it… and it only got to 340fps and consistency was a bit out the window, so was accuracy. We also tried an m120, which got the same result.

We even thought the springs may have been mislabeled and tried them in longer blasters which did get the rated fps.

Shorter barrels just have only so much potential was our ruling in it end. Fun to try and get it maxed out though!


So the law of diminishing returns… huge spring upscaling gives minimal FPS improvement. :man_shrugging:

Not worth putting all that strain on your gearing then, by the sound of it. :thinking:

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Tests only showed a 10fps gain. Was using the stock spring. Looks like it can’t handle semi rapid fire. Was semi only game, chronoed by field at 180 fps and firing 3 rounds on contact. I bet it has metal gears and nylon ladder.