LDT G36c opinions

Gday all chasing opinions on the LDT G36c with 50th coming soon Wifey approved of another blaster LOL. The Ldt G36c has caught my eye. How does it perform, reliability etc. Mainly play Milsim type games. Just getting back into it after 18 months away from playing with maybe the odd game during so have lost touch abit.
Cheers Yte.


I don’t have a G36 but have a ldt metal mp5 and it does have some weight to it I’d say the G36 would weigh more so something to be mindful of if doing long milsim events.

I don’t have any of the Ldt V3 gearboxes but I have 5 of the V2 split gearboxes with ldt internals and none of them have missed a beat. Quality seems to be better then your classic army / wells and cyma’s that I have owned.

I could touch on this. I got one start of last year, and yeah external quality is great, nice and solid. Performance wise i have no chrono for exact number but is around the 300fps mark and feeds well. Reliabilty wise no issues with mine however its only been to 3 or 4 games so not much run time. Would i reccomend, yes i would.


Curious as to how you find the ergos on a G36… :thinking:

I love the appearance and I’m a big fan of euro designed firearms, but found that my old Well G36 was really awkward to shoulder and use.

I guess it comes down to personal choice :man_shrugging:


Yeah l dont find it uncomfortable, but yeah it “feels” bigger then your m4 variant. Part of it i think is you need to “cup” it with your hand rather then grip it like you can with an m4.

But the g36c was just one of those need to have, and is the looker in the family tree imo.


I grabbed one of the g36’s when they first came out …LDT…

They are solid performers, but I disabled the blowback ASAP…
Running around 300 fps, on. Xforce pinks…

The stock folds forward tightly, no slack or wobble…but I agree. It makes the blaster harder to wield, one handed…
Having said that, it is compact enough , when running around with the stock folded…

The front battery bay cover , is a bit troublesome to remove…at times…
The “cocking lever” ( no jokes needed) is ambidextrous, and can be shifted left, or right, or remains In the centre neutral position…

Different, and unique…grab one, if the missus allows it…
Just see how many spare mags , are still


Thnxs for the replies, i ended up going for a DB M4ss Nylon/metal Gbox. Used the extra $'s for spare parts etc plus the young fella is getting into the sport a blaster he can lug around for the day when he gets abit older.