LDT MP5-K....( Or, Time to come out of your shell...)

Yup…sure is…
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Hmm 2nd thoughts about purchasing now… im not a fan of bendy T-peices (which i believe the JINMING has?

To be fair i dont care about any of the internals (except T-peice) as im going to HPA it.

Would you know if the barrel/tpeice block (that bit of metal they all have) of a LDT would fit into the JINMING upper? that might be a way for me to solve the t-peice issue?

Not sure.
I haven’t pulled my JM fully apart yet…

Seriously thinking about pulling the trigger on that JM…

If I do, I’ll tear it down and do a deep dive thread on it, you know I don’t give two shits about warranties… :laughing:

Enquiring minds seem to wanna know. :thinking:


honestly it’s not just about the warranty or lack of knowledge, time is also of the essence, a valuable commodity I often lack, also motivation and appropriate tools

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Maybe hold off, till we get a few reports about the faulty ones…
:astonished: :pensive:

Also, did you ever post the gearbox photos, of the LDT pulled apart.?

There are faulty ones? :thinking:

Read the JM post…
2 have failed so far…

Wombats failed, first game out…

Yep, just did… :hushed:

Hmmmm… interesting development. Yours is still okay though, yeah? :thinking:

Yeah…but minimal use…

Do you have the photos of the LDT box pulled apart…?

Errr… I only took one photo that day… of the LDT gearbox. :laughing:

Well… I never said I was much of a cinematographer. :joy:

I’ll make a better effort to take more pics when you do the next teardown. :wink:

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You are not the only one with lack of time due to real life commitments. Patience young Padawan. Keep up the interest and you will get there, I guarantee :+1:

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