LDT MP5-K....( Or, Time to come out of your shell...)

Ok, i got my LDT MP5-K, as a private import from @AKgelblaster .

I had a B709 for it. Due to their chinese shipping laws, the blaster was sent in pieces, and i had to reassemble it. Fair enough. Being forward wired, this was quite tricky, and there were no MP5-K dissasembly vids, to follow in reverse.

The main reason I wanted it, was the high quality LDT Shell.
Good ole murphy again, after i got my B709 and placed my order, ihobby advertised the JingMing mp5-K…

I dont feel too bad though, as they are at different price points, and i’m quite certian the jing ming will be at the quality levels of their previous offerings, at the $190 price point. I’m very happy with the LDT shell, it is very thick, robust, ambidexterous switching, feels heavy and solid in the hand, and looks the part. It does have a few idiosynchrosities though…


  • It has blow back as standard, which has been disabled. This saves noise, banging, wear and tear, and allows the other components (ejection port cover and return spring) to slide in/ out more easily, without having to pull it all apart.

  • the forward wiring is tricky and tight…running the power wire forward into the handguard needs a bit of skill, to fit it through the tight gap.

  • Sliding the gearbox / lower reciever, into the upper reciever is where i came unstuck. You need to compress the mag terminals, to pass them through. I was at this stage last night, when a wire came adrift from the mag spring. I suck at soldering small stuff, so off to @Friendly_Fire I went today…

Its no surprise they came adrift, they weren’t even soldered on.!!
Literally, just the wire pinched into the coiled spring…very bad form for LDT.!!
They’ve been soldered up now, and are solidly connected.


  • I was advised before final purchase, it was not a stellar performer.
    This is not really surprising, given that its such a small gearbox and barrel combo. I was mainly after the shell, and was of the opinion performance could be improved, once I had it.

It was doing around 180fps, after we swapped a older spring lying around, which was a bit better than standard. Tried the included hopup, but it didnt really do anything. Laterally, quite accurate, with little spread, as to be expected at lower fps.

I grabbed a new M100 spring on the way home, and using xforce pinkies, got a spread of 200-220, with a few 245’s in the mix. Will try a few more 2morrow, and see how consistent they can be…

  • STOCKS: The good news is, the whole range of LDT stocks are compatible with it. In my mind , the 'classic ’ MP5-K, has no stock and is all about compact storage and carry. As such, i like the clean look. They include a folding stock on this, which is activated by pushing against a strong spring, rather than button release. You need to be VERY careful , as your thumb can get caught and pinched by a very strong spring. It can be a bit hard to move, but lubing the spring helps it to move.

To achieve the clean look, i undid the screws holding the stock onto the rear end. The stock comes off, but leaves a hole in the rear. I can live with that, but some may want to make a custom cover…

Finally, i also have a 2018 era mp5-k “shell kit”. It was sold as a shell only, fit your own gearbox. The performance of mine was quite good…ported cylinder, 270-280 fps when new, able to run on a 11v battery. That battery was also fitted into the handguard. It had the 2 stacked mags mounted side by side. Good performance, but the shell was thin and cheap feeling plastic, and didnt feel solid in the hand.

The dream would be to match the great performance of the kit, into the nice shell of the LDT.
I expect the Jinming to be 200-220 fps ish…we’ll see.

Enough jibber jabber, time to roll the pics…


Naked look…


The included stock…

Other LDT stock…quite similar, but button release…

Getting silly now…do you really wanna put this on a compact.?.?
If your gonna do this, use a full length MP-5…


Everything bar the A2 solid stock looks awesome… both folders look great but the naked look is damn sexy too.

Best part about these MP5s is the interchangeability… even that A2 stock wouldn’t look too bad if you ran a suppressor with it.

The world’s your oyster with that one, matey… very very cool little unit. :+1:

Removable panels, to allow sliding arms into place…

And, the older kit model…
Needs details, on the select fire decals…

Side by side comparo…

And Nwell gets in on the group THUG…i mean HUG…!! :rofl: :rofl:


Nearly forgot to mention the battery…

It runs on a 11.1v lipo, mounted in the front handguard.

In order to hide the battery, you will need to use one of the small 5.5cm long 11volts, and it runs on XT-30 connections.

That will mean buying a smaller battery and changing the connections.
Thanks to @Friendly_Fire for donating to me , one of his previously changed over batteries…

I reckon i’ll owe him a lunch sometime…

Or, at least a burton bar…!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dang - late to the party as usual.

JM version is supposed to arrive Monday according to Australia Post. Folding stock arrived yesterday (button version), pic rail from x-Force tomorrow

Will write up next week

I’m hoping the JingMing will have a good shell, but time will tell.

I might be able to squeeze another 10-20 fps out of better gels, but we’ll see…

JingMing will be good value for money, for sure…

If nothing else. The externals on that look solid. Is it a standard v2 gearbox like an ldx sort of deal or something specific?

Not 100% sure on the gearbox, i suspect its LDX …

LDT make good quality, realistic shells.
Thats the main reason i got it, they’re top shelf.

I have high hopes for the JM, hope they come close quality wise, like the bing feng mp-7’s recently…

Also, the “shell kit”, has no colouring on the fire select decals.

White is easy to fix, ala white filler, but the red had me thinking…

I’ll get some red food dye, mix it in with a small batch of filler, and see how it goes…

If not, gel frosting cake time…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Hmmm… AKGelblaster’s blurb on their website is calling it an LDT War Interest MP5K and there’s no mention of an LDX box, basic or otherwise.

@AKgelblaster any chance you can confirm the box type? LDX or War Interest?

Oh yeah, I’ll do lunch, no probs. :+1:

But you definitely don’t owe me anything for helping out. We’re more than square with your latest donations to the Wall of shame. :wink: much appreciated, man. :pray:

Sure. If you guys remember the LDT HK416 V3 a few years ago. That is the line collaborated between LDT and War-interest. War-interest provide the product line and mould most of the things for the LDT HK416V3. It comes with the nylon body and nylon gearbox. Same thing for the MP5K here.

Nowadays LDT made their own premier metal kit and LDX gearbox. They have the premier HK416A5, N4, PDW, DD, MP5, MP5K, M249 etc.

When we call it LDT warinterest, it is mostly manufactured by Warinterest, with the nylon gearbox and nylon shell.

The LDT LDX MP5K (full metal shell and gearbox) has been released a while ago in China, not manufactured by War-interest.
They are not sold by any shops I know except within China. Perhaps WAT will have them later ( I have no idea)

@xeta are you Chinese or Australian? You can definitely order the full metal LDT MP5K directly from LDT if you are in China. Having said that, they also have some shipping issue from time to time.

Looks the goods indeed! I was considering the JM version as it is easy, but I am guessing the mags will be different. I already have 2x LDT MP5s, and 10 mags or something, so will likely pursue the LDT version.

I also have the circa 2018 almost clear plastic shell kit. Which happily chugs out about 260fps. The hardest part of getting fps up is voluming with such a short barrel. I would nearly guess that the cylinder in the MP5K could do with some tuning to suit the short barrel, but any barrel under 150mm is going to be fun to get power above 300fps.

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Its also worth mentioning,

@AKgelblaster gave me a forum discount on this.
Best to contact them, and they could give you a code, for a discount as well.


Yeah I thought I was looking at a familiar gearbox… Definitely a nylon War Interest with metal gears… same gearbox that was in the earlier H&K416D and MP5.

That explains the low FPS, they were never hard hitters. Lots of airseal issues, it took a lot of upgrading to get my 416D from around 200FPS stock to 280FPS.

Still a very desireable shell though… if you really want performance out of it you could always give it a heart transplant later on @BME . :wink: :+1:

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What would be a good transplant gearbox, which would slot straight in.?
280 fps would be awesome…

Eww the Warinterest box, brings back bad dreams. They were ok in the early days but much better options today.

They just… fall apart after a couple of services. Nuts end up doing come in spinner, little to no room for wiring.

So, for the older shell…
The food colouring trick…

Guess what, it worked…!



Kit model, on top, in the above photo.

It is a lighter, brighter red, the filler seems to absorb a certain amount of colour, then no more. Prolonged exposure doesn’t make it darker.

Nevertheless, its an improvement over having nothing.
Food colouring is really “sticky” i used my finger to rub into the grooves, and its a bugger getting off…watch your bench tops…