Least regretted purchases

Since there’s a most regretted thread, lets show the least regretted purchases. A blaster that turned out to be extraordinary, has some special meaning or memory attached to it or is just so ugly its lovable!
Theres enough posts about best deals/sales and thoes are boring. Show me a story!

Mine is two fold, the gelstorm 4 pack I overpaid for some time ago. They have the m1911 gearbox inside, so performance is lackluster but reliable. This is what got me and mine into the sport. They have been through some serious abuse, dirt, rain. Tiny hands arnt gentle. And they all keep kicking.

2nd is same gearbox, but a little cooler looking. The skd m1911 hopper fed. I bough this for my older son, 5 or 6 at the time. He had input on what blaster he got and how to deck it out. Has a few internal mods that he “helped” with. This blaster made him super excited to play, or just target shoot.


That’s a fine!
Socks are strictly forbidden in foot shots on this Forum :flushed:

Great review and a great topic, will do a proper reply as soon as I get the time :roll_eyes::+1: