Lower the FPS in GBB pistols to reduce noise

The area I live in is ridiculously quiet and I would like to be able to play with my blasters without disturbing my family or my neighbors, therefore I wish to lower the FPS in an effort to reduce the noise.

Only need it to knock over empty beer cans at 7m which my KELe springer already does, so I’m guessing around 150 or 160 fps should do the trick.

Any ideas?

I’m no GBB expert, I’ll leave that for other forum members. :wink:

But I once had a very very quiet GE 2011 Hicapa with reduced FPS given to me for repair.

Had this nylon block screwed into the back of the slide…

It limited the throw of the hammer, and I assume therefore gas on discharge. This thing sounded like it was suppressed, had occasional cycling issues however, so I removed it. FPS and volume of report went up.

Don’t know if something like that could be retrofitted into your GBB but maybe? :man_shrugging:

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Wow that’s interesting and it looks pretty easy to do. I’m guessing anything I do will have a flow on effect to cycling and slide lock so just thought I would go to school right here before I dive headfirst down the rabbit hole.

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Tried talking to the neighbours?

If you tell them / show them, they will know what the noise is…

And agree on acceptable hours , and limit duration, and they should be good…

It is legal, after all…

Great advice on the surface, but unfortunately if your relationship sours at any point all they have to do is call the cops and say he pointed a gun at me and you’re instantly in a world of shit. For that reason I’d prefer to keep my neighbours oblivious to the fact that I even have them.

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You’d be better off telling them… even maybe a letter drop explaining your interest in the hobby, then you have some proof you notified everyone. That way if the rozzers are called on you they’d have more of an issue with your neighbour than with you if he called them up knowing you have gel blasters just to get you in the shit. :man_shrugging:

They don’t like having their time wasted. And seriously if it came to that, volume isn’t going to be a factor.

But then again, if he bullshits and accuses you of misuse, I guess you’d have a hard time proving otherwise. Your word against his… unless you’re wearing a bodycam. :laughing:

I would have thought that gell ballers in the field would be all over this shit for stealthy take downs. Perhaps that’s the reason it was set up like that in the first place.

I put it up on another thread here… none of the other members with the same GBB had that block in theirs… no idea where it came from or who put it there. :man_shrugging:

I will say though, get the thickness wrong and the pistol won’t cycle at all… not enough gas. On the upside, if you get it right, it’ll be quieter, less powerful ( if that’s what you want ) and you’ll save a shit ton on gas. :laughing:

My guess would be lots of trial and error need to find the sweet spot.

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or try one of those new elec blow backs.?

They claim to be around 150+ fps, and are quiet.?

Cheaper than most GBB’s, and quieter too…

I’d be keen , to see how they perform…

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Yeah they might be worth a look. Only thing that would concern me is any possible shot delay after the trigger is pulled. The last electric blaster I fired was about as responsive as a flint lock. That was a few years ago now so hopefully they’ve improved a lot since then.

I found something called the Nine Ball Hi-CAPA High Power Gas Valve online which looks pretty awesome. Its an adjustable output valve for the magazine which should deliver a similar result to the hammer buffer that Friendly_Fire posted earlier.

If I could tune this down to my desired power level without the need for further modifications I could switch mags for full fps when desired. I can’t seem to find one in Australia at the moment so I might have to continue exploring other avenues.

If the EBB pistols are anything like the old 3DG G17s the trigger response would be pretty snappy.

150FPS ain’t nothing to sing about though, just on par with the SKD Beretta M92s… and they were pretty snappy on 14.8v. :man_shrugging:

I backyard plink with one of these…

Le Hui MP9… select fire, 200FPS, really quiet, snappy and better mag capacity. Take the folding stock off and it’s a pistol with an extended mag and a foregrip. :wink:

EBB Pistols have come a very long way since those rediculously slow original models.

I’m not sure how they do it, but the latest EBB pistols look as fast as the old original first GBB pistols!

@AKgelblaster has the best information on current model EBB pistols, so I’ll wait for her to join in and give you some advice. :ok_hand:

It would waste gas but you could install a larder id barrel. Would lower the fps a bit. Quiet it down but like I said. Gas wastage.

I’m keen to know more about those new ebb pistols

Me too…

You could always try one of these…

210 fps.!!

Cmon HK, lets get stuff into Oz again…!!

That price…!!

240 fps…??


So I decided to give duster gas a go and so far I’m pretty impressed. It seems to make a significant difference to the sound but still manages to spit em out pretty quick and cycle the action just fine, with the only issue being the slide fails to lock back on the last shot.

Still have some more testing to do but so far I’m finding that short range accuracy seems to have also improved significantly.

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Just be careful with duster gas… be diligent with your oiling. There’s no silicone in it like the specific green gas products, needed to keep your o rings hydrated. Co2 powered gbbs need regular oil8ng too for the same reason.

As a low powered propellant it’s fine, but your rubber components will start to suffer if you don’t give them a regular application of a silicone based gun oil like Abbey.:+1:

Accuracy will improve with the drop in FPS… especially with the short barrels in pistols. A trade off worth doing imho.

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Yeah fortunately I usually only fire off a few mags at a time and at the end of every session I oil the pistol then dump any residual gas from the mag and work half a drop of oil into the outlet valve. I also charge it with a touch of green gas just for good measure.

Seems to be working well for me so far so I’ll just have to see how it goes. If I have to shell out a couple of bucks every now and then for a few o rings that certainly won’t break the bank. Especially when a can of duster gas is $10/400ml vs Puff Dino at $35/600ml.

So I’m pretty happy with the duster gas, but now I’m kind of curious to see how much lower I can go.

I notice that the Hi Capa magazine outlet valve appears to be held together by a circlip. If I was to remove this and install a heavier spring, would that not then in turn deliver a smaller burst of gas?