Seems to all come down to the old school proven gel blaster idiosyncrasies that 260-280 FPS has always been the golden child rule for consistency and accuracy in these kids toys.
Any hero numbers above this have been proven for many years to be a problem with what we have to play with.
Sure that I always pushed the boundaries with 450-480 FPS Gen8’s, but that was for shits and giggles to find out what it took to annihilate these toys in the process of building something that could outlast anything that anyone could build for performance and reliability.
My build plans were always simple perfecting the inherent designs, and not complicating them with electronics or modifications that would create more problems than they were worth.
Build an old school Gen8/Gen9/ACR/Wells/ARP etc etc where the only operating factors was a battery feeding a well built gearbox through a simple trigger to expel a gel at the optimal set up that could be achieved
Should come back in stock quickly ihobby usually have em in stock all the time. Ihobby is usually a no no business to buy from but if they manage to F up mags I’d be surprised
Same with the metal mags…… they are awesome aesthetically, but were always a constant battle to keep them from rusting internally
I used to drill 3/16” drain holes into the bottom of all my mags, metal and nylons,
It drains off any excess water every time they were refilled from the speed loader, which helped to get rid of any excess moisture.
Metal and Nylon mags also would receive a good dose of CRC on the mag motors and contacts/wiring after each use regularly.
Nylons not so much, but metal mags take a lot of maintenance and upkeep to protect your investment and condition/performance.
Always pop open the gel feed doors and leave them upside down to help drain/dry feed motors and internals.
Once again, all of my pics are locked away on my old phone…… but here’s a pic that I do have of the short 20 round metal mags on my old Bushmaster ACR DMR tribute
Haven’t been in stock since ~August. I went to buy some before In Country and ended up buying the non-compatible Double Bells. Worked out though, the internals fit in the LDT 20rd bodies and are better quality so I swapped all of mine.
just watched Bradley Phillips review on the CYMA. now i want one. stupid YouTube gives me notifications for the channels i want to hear from weeks later.