M90 Spring results in horrific gear box noises

Hi Brains Trust,

This blaster does around 350fps, right on the limit for Nuketown. To resolve that issue I’ve replaced the OG spring with an unequal X-force M90 spring, this lowered the FPS down to 315 - good result.

However, after firing one mag with the new M90 spring the gearbox started making some awful grinding noises. As an experiment I put the OG spring back in and within 5 dry fires the noise had gone.

#notanexpert but I would not have expected gearbox grinding from lowering the power of the spring.

Thoughts on where to go from here?

Sounds like the heavier spring’s possibly caused wear on the gearing and piston rack. You don’t notice it with the heavy spring in but you can hear it with the lighter spring in due to the change in gear tooth loading.

Possibly also worn your gear bushings and the change in load’s allowing a bit more movement and affecting gear meshing.

New gears, new piston, new bushes maybe. At least that’s what I’d do… and don’t forget the motor pinion gear too.

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Thanks mate.

Again - not an expert, the noise was so noticeable that I can say with confidence that it wasn’t there with the original spring. This was a “there’s something significantly wrong sound” emanating from the gearbox with the lighter Xforce M90 spring.

I found an older tac edge M90 spring and gave that a try, dropped the FPS down to 330 and ran smoothly without the sound, so that’s in there now…

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Wonder if the spring was flexing when compressing and hitting the gears or something.

Okay, that’s weird…

Ruling out the possibility of something going back in squiffy the first assembly, I have no idea. :laughing:

Are the two M90 springs the same diameter? Is there a chance the first M90 was slightly larger in diameter and binding up on the inside of the piston? Or possibly flexing like DChapo suggests?

I know if you flex an unequal spring out of the box the curve’s not even like a regular spring, so… maybe. :man_shrugging:

Either way, you’ve sorted it. Good stuff. :+1:

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That is weird indeed.
I noticed in one of my double bell AKs, power is 360fps in semi and drops and gets very inconsistent in auto as they are under volumed, so changed to a full cylinder and went up to 390fps. Wanted to drop it to more reasonable level to get some accuracy and make it more field legal so dropped an m90 spring in. The double o-ring piston head is so tight it could not get up to power, and also pre-engaged like a MF! Sounded awful too because of this and broke some teeth :slight_smile:

not sure what piston head they are running in SRC blasters but might have done a similar thing with pre-engaging?

Either that or the spring is diving, otherwise it is quite odd to get horrendous noises from spring changes.

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I had this exact same thought @DChapo .

Where a weaker spring could be flexing down upon the intermediate/sector gear and causing a racket.

But seems sorted now, so crisis averted :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The right spring retainer plays a big part in spring deflection too.

That’s why I like the four lug system CYMA use. The two lug retainers allow a bit of misalignment and can often cock the spring downwards.

Which is why you a put a big fat washer screwed onto the end of the retainer if that’s happening… providing you’re not running a buffer tube. :thinking:

Isn’t that why the buffer tube mounting screw goes into the spring retainer on almost every blaster though?

Yep… that’s why I finished with this…

Not all blasters run buffer tubes, as you know.

You mean the bit you added? :smirk:

My exact comments on many threads regarding vertical and horizontal 2 lug retainers and the awesome CYMA 4 lug retainers.

Horizontal 2 lug are the worst for springs hitting the gears in the box, especially uneven springs more than linear wound types.

@DChapo Time to go to Specsavers, matey :joy:

I editted to include “if that’s happening” before your comment, but no big deal anyway :man_shrugging:

Don’t go triggering my OCD… DILLIGAF? :rofl::rofl::rofl: