May the Forth be with you

My toys at the time were RC Racing Cars/Buggies and Air Rifles! :joy::sunglasses:

All jokes aside…
2morrow is may the 4th…

I have a couple of, of Vintage collection vehicles…

AT-AT… AT-St…speeder-bike, landspeeder…Xwing, Tie fighter , Tie Bomber…
Oh, and Rancor…

Now I’ve cracked this box open and taken these photos, I’m gonna message my brother again with these pics and see if I get a response this time around :joy:

Vintage collection At-At…

This is what you get…


Its in my mums sewing room…

I did have one of those, as well as an X-Wing Fighter complete with Luke Skywalker and R2D2 …… but just more stuff that was thrown away :frowning:

Like this…?


The original ones, were a bit crap…


The vintage collection ones, were screen accurate…


A bit hard to tell from those grainy images, but yes, they look very similar indeed :sunglasses:

Fun fact…

Lego released a 5000 piece set, Millenium Falcon, in 2007.
It cost $500 new.

The highest price one went for (vaccum sealed), in a Las Vegas auction, was $15 000…!!

They now go for around $3000- 4000…and appreciate about 4% a year…

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Had a photo I snapped of the Lego Super Star Destroyer around 2013 for $599 from Toyworld. I later bought that set from eBay a couple of years ago for $900. I just checked the latest listings and it going for $2k+. More appreciation than gold, oil or property.

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Yep…Lego as a investment is a real thing…
Better appreciation than other commodities, and , no tax…:grinning:

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Real money sink if you’re into collecting - prices for base sets has inflated so much over the years too. Then licensed themes from Disney have gone crazy, exchange rate’s tanked for the AUD.
Had to give up buying the Back to the Future DeLorean, Optimus Prime, Bowser, Mario Cube, USC ATAT - just no money in the budget.
Still aiming for the USC Venator, just released USC Tie Interceptor (which means I now gotta get the USC Xwing too even though I’m not an Xwing fan), USC Razor Crest (admittedly not a big fan too since I have the non-USC version, but that design to Lego form is spectacular IMO, and its slated to retire this year).

Yeah, the lego Ultimate series collectors, is absolutely aimed at adults, who collect to invest.
Trading off the fame, of the 2007 Falcon, its certainly crerated that expectation…

And has become, a self fulfilling prophecy…

I have the newer 7000 piece falcon, and USC ATAT, for exactly that reason.

They are stored in their outer brown cardboard box, wrapped in plastic, kept away from sunlight. Lets see what they’re worth , in a few years…

My HCG Smartgun cost me nothing.
Importing from the states, landed cost was $2000, i’d sell them locally for $3000, and they sold quickly. I sold two, they paid for the third, then the shipper complained about his subsidised shipping price.

They are all sold out now, so i reckon i’d probably get $3500- $4000, if i was to sell…

Which I wont.

Also imported a couple of the E-11’s from England, whacked on $200 extra, and they sold quickly as well.

They might be harder to move nowadays, with cost of living pressures…

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I used to have one of those, my shithead cousin flogged it and gone into the never never


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Made a lot of Star Wars stuff over the years…

X-Wing: Hasbro Hero, the big ass toy with fixed closed wings. Scratch built everything except the fuselage, black wash and painted.
Millennium Falcon: Legacy Falcon, tossed the cockpit and scratch built one to scale.
E-11s and DL-44: All hand built from moulding a Sterling and Mauser C96 toy
R2D2: Hand built from R2 Builders styrene plans
Tie Fighter: Scratch built wings added to a TFA hub
Helmets: SW are Black Series, Predator and Dredd hand built from EVA Foam

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I KNEW there had to be someone…

More of a star wars nerd than me…!!

HaHa…love it…great work…!