May the Forth be with you

Ok, saw Sunrise this morning, and got inspired…

I know there are other ‘Childs of the 80’s’ here, who might need a little bit of encouragement…

So, as a child of the 80’s , we all grew up loving star wars, as kids.

With Mum only, we grew up very frugally, i could only afford the star wars action figures, never the vehicles.

What i really wanted, was a snowspeeder.

For my birthday, I let all my mates know, hoping they would all chip in, and get one for me. Birthday comes around 12+ mates at my place ( enough people to all chip in)…

Mark comes up, and gives me a snowspeeder sized box.
I nearly explode, with the excitement.
Other kids turn up, empty handed…supposedly confirming the belief.

Pressy opening time comes, i rip it open…

1 figure, pricess Leia, in bespin fatigues…

Are you shitting me…

Words cant express the dissapointment, that was my childhood trauma, that scarred, and defined me…!! :rofl: :rofl: (if only.!)

Anyways, time goes on, we all grow up… many years ago i eventually discover ebay…and long denied childhood wishes…

2010 Vintage collection snowspeeder…Yep… I’ll have one of those…!

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Luke is giving squiddy a welcome, befitting him…!! :rofl: :rofl:

And, i kept the box…because yknow…thats what you do…

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I’ll talk a moment, about “Toy and Novelty”…

For the long term brisbane-ites, this was THE toy barn, during the 80’s, before Toys’r’us.

In Annerly, massive toy warehouse, that dwarfed all others.
The only other option, at the time, was the toy section of woolies / coles…

As a young kid, this place was perpetual Xmas.
Row, upon row of endless new toys…

Star wars…All figures, and vehicles…
He-man , Lego, Japanese robot toys, remote control cars etc…
Token barbie aisle, for the girls…!! :rofl:

And, a dedicated toy gun aisle…

I got my Larami uzi water pistol from there, pirate flintlock, over/under pump action dart gun, 80% scale M-16 clicker, and the whole collection of single shot manual dart guns…including a vp-70…!!

As a kid, it was heaven, just to go window shopping…!!


I have this next to the tv in my work room its about twenty inches tall and points at me the judgemental prick.
Total cost $1 at an op shop

Actually, i did have a vehicle, as a kid…

The newsagent at chardons corner , had a landspeeder on their shelf.

When dad came down, he stayed at a nearby motel, and we “just happened” to go in there one day…

He got me this…

I never threw it out, still have it, and it lives in a drawer…

So, come on…all you other star wars “kids”… show us your stuff…!! :smiley: :smiley:

Watch out…squiddy will want the gasmask…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Ah,.pretty meagre collection for me, but still a big fan of the franchise…

A stuffed Wookie

E11 blaster

The lightsabres you’ve seen already


Ok…there is also this…

Which turns into this…


The original Kenner vehicles…circa 1980’s, were a bit average…

Cheaply made, out of proportion, but Sooo desirable, to a young kid…

The vintage collection, was made for Gen X’s , who saw it all as a kid, but can now afford them…

Very “screen accurate / correct proportions”, movie accurate etc…

I may /may not have…more than one…

i’ll let you wonder , for now…! :rofl: :rofl:

see what 2morrow brings…!

cmon all you others, put it out there…!! :rofl:

Is that E-11, one of these…??

Ive imported, and onsold a couple of these…

I was extremely lucky that my Aunty and Uncle were in the USA when they released the original Star Wars.

They returned with these two awesome presents for my December Birthday and Xmas a few days later :sunglasses:

Birthday Present:
Genuine Raccoon Tail Daniel Boon/Davey Crockett Fur Hat.

Xmas Present:
Genuine first release Hans Solo Blaster.


This was the 70’s and I was the coolest kid in town having genuine USA gear, which was quite rare in Australia at the time……… unlike this modern age of online shopping and global shipping :roll_eyes:

Unfortunately both items were eventually thrown out by my parents as I got older, and many house moves later, had much of our old kids stuff that was packed away eventually thrown in the bin :cry:

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I wish it was one of those E11s…

Nah, it’s a cheapo flouro Rubies with a lot of work and greebles added by yours truly, so very plastic and taccy. Not even close to screen accurate. :laughing:

What sux is that a lot of my cool 70’s stuff got thrown out, and yet whilst my old man was clearing out his shed on the 5 acre property I just sold, he found a box with some of my younger brothers 1980’s toys, and had thrown them into the trailer to take out to the tip before I seen them and rescued them! :flushed:

I will find this box and post some pics of the contents very soon :+1::sunglasses:

Unless i blast you out of the sky, first…

With a E-11 accuracy…1980’s vintage…maybe not…

My biggest memory was the batteries in those old toys.

I remember the Hans Solo blaster had that massive panel on the side that housed 2x C cell batteries, adding quite a bit of weight to the toy!

Wait, What…?

Your talking about, the black series…!!

I’ve got an unopened McDonalds R2D2 cup

That’s a death start…!

Found my brothers box of crap, still taped up in the old brown packing tape :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Cut it open and found this stuff inside.

I’m more of a 70’s kid, so apart from the He-Man stuff, I really don’t have any idea what’s what, apart from that fighter jet seems to be a Transformer’s model :thinking:

His birthday was just last month and was trying to get hold of him to wrap up this old box to give to him as a surprise gift……. but the bastard never got back to me, so I’ve still got it here and had the pleasure of cutting it open myself to see what time travel stuff was trapped inside :joy::+1:

Your brothers… yeah, right…!!

Battle cat, looks like he’s giving, a hard ride to…

Man At Ass…open mouth confirms it…!!