Metal 2024 Kris’s vector?

Yeah, I ran a buffer tube with the Defiance stock on mine for a while. Don’t know why but it was smaller diameter than a normal buffer tube and no way to fit a lipo in it so it stayed wired in the grip.

Then of course you’ve got the problem of the stock itself which is very sexy imo, that’s too small for any other blaster that’s running a normal tube. :man_shrugging:

I didn’t really like the ergos and cheek weld much and it felt kind of wrong so I went back to the KV skeleton stock. I think they look more purposeful and mean with them on and very comfy to shoulder. :+1:

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@BME I was wondering how long it would take for a Romulus kit to surface for the KV… logical basis for a build. :+1:

Hell, I’d buy anorher KV for that kit… you might even see a big buyup of the old LHs for just that purpose. :man_shrugging:

Time to open that wallet again, BME. :laughing: I bet you’d love one of these in gel trim.

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That gearbox looks cursed…

I was just joking about the kit…

Let my OCD recover, from the robocop build, and i’ll have a serious look for a Roumulus kit…!!
:rofl: :rofl:

Ring ring Friendly Fire

:rofl: :rofl:

Should open your own shop FF :rofl:

I personally think Romulus kit looks far more appealing than the original aliens blaster

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My skills are improving…slowly…

You only learn by having a crack, and seeking input when in doubt.!

Yes agree. I do recommend the LH vector with the CNC MK gearbox, it is the best fit and best way to have a great vector.

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If there was a kit available it’d be hugely popular.

Sadly, there ain’t… yet! :laughing: Fingers crossed. :man_shrugging:

But I agree… as iconic as the M41A pulse rifles from “Aliens” are, they’re horribly awkward to handle. From the looks of the Romulus props if it was available in gel form it’d be a nicer bit of kit to use. :+1:

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I’m sure someone will do a Romulus kit for airsoft, sometime…

It might need to be a full body kit though…the vector has enough different lines and angles, in the body, for it to be tricky to fit.

Yeah, agreed… but a G36 styled upper on a Vector running the body kit isn’t a bad start towards a Romulus tribute blaster.

Halfway there…

A few tweaks and mods, a Romulus paint job… and boomshanka! :wink:


You could 3d print a body from scratch….

Uh Oh….here we go !

Post in thread ‘Alien Romulus Pulse Rifle?’ Alien Romulus Pulse Rifle? | Page 12 | RPF Costume and Prop Maker Community

I’m sure someone could hallow that out and put something hectic inside

Something tells me it’d be a nightmare to work on that 3D printed replica with a Dremel.

Just ask BME. :rofl:

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no doubt, but possible

Oh for sure was just being cheeky my friend :joy: :+1:

I got a bite though. Who needs to go fishing.

:rofl: :rofl: