MK111 - TT Edition 7.4v Blaster Black/Tan

I am like a goldfish at times so I had forgotten too!
Will PM you :slight_smile:

Going to…
I’ll wait for sat, so I have an excuse to go to Bunnings for a sausage…!!

Oi, don’t make me come over Dubyay and scoop yo arse up. You are next door, you want cash. I’ll give ya fkn cash then you’ll have another spending spree on boats and trail trucks and especially as I say… MOAR POWER!

BME air, might need to book a flight :rofl:

Works both ways mate… you’re just next door too!
Might just roll up on YOUR property chasing cash with a Water Pistol, Barbie Doll, LEGO lightsaber or whatever “threatening weapon” I can lay my hands on here in WA! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Oh man I’m dead. @BME need a relocation of the jumpy thing. I know that’ll fit on a Boeing :laughing: