anyone know much about these?
available in black or black and tan
They look to be ABS shell Gen 8’s.
Yep… Gen 8 M4A1 for sure. Nothing wrong with a good Gen 8 gearbox if that’s what you’re after… but I like to avoid clamshell construction wherever possible. Split nylon receivers are preferable for me.
Screw holes in the right side of rhe blaster are always a dead giveaway.
That and the Magpul CTR style stock.
Stripping out the screw posts was a big problem with the clamshell Gen8 design, especially when tearing them apart many times doing constant upgrades/modifications to them.
This is why mine all got fitted with these beauties, which helped them to last much longer and clamped the shells much tighter than the tiny original self tapping screws.
Chuck in a well built Singularity Gearbox and they become quite the little performers and much more durable than the original Gen8’s.
Well… judging by tac toys recent takeover by the ATO…
And ausgel/m4a1 suddenly getting a bunch of things tac toys used to have…
You can put it together from there!
It’s a taccy toys gen8.
I reckon that you are right on the money there @RokSolid !
Was waiting for these old TaccyToys stocks to reappear on the market somewhere, and this is looking like the first.
Don’t you mean “TacToys M4 V8”?
Designed by them, don’t ya know?
The “TT” in “TT Edition” is a dead giveaway… and it sure doesn’t stand for Taran Tactical.
I mean… when you can find tac toys ronins titans and milky gels in the ausgel website is a dead giveaway!
yeah come to think of it I think I do remember seeing these days on taccys website
you’ve convinced me, I’ll take a pass
cheers guys
They’re still a Jin Ming Gen 8… nothing wrong with them.
Just because TT were mammoth dicks and rebranded JM and Jund / CYMA gear as their own doesn’t make the product bad.
At least your money’s not going to Taccy Toys now.
hmm, if that’s the case, it’s one to think about for the young fellas birthday
that’s true, a silver lining you might say
Don’t need to worry about spending money on 3rd hand TaccyToys blasters now mate!
Thanks to @Friendly_Fire , your young fella will be enjoying the indestructible goodness of a Gen8 powered UMP45!
Gentlemen, drumroll please…
I present to you the classic original and the best of TaccyToys releases in its finest glory!
So whats in the box Eddie?
Well WAPOL would be very disappointed with me! Only the he remnants of my poor long suffering “Little Pig” 450FPS Gen8 and a couple of Alloy buffer tubes!
Many fond memories of a long bygone era.… AND YET STILL AVAILABLE in the current market for those who are willing to take a step back in time, to bask in the brilliance that the TaccyToys M4A1 V8 offered for many generations to come, as long as you don’t require Semi Auto!
Ignoring the target practice holes, does this make this box a collectors piece?
If all you want is something reliable to shoot gels in full auto, you are never late with a gen8!
I still use my gen8 ump, and m249! They won’t die! And believe me I’ve tried!!!
Also have a gearbox for the project to make the Nadda MPX with vector mag, Just haven’t had the spare time and patience to print the lower receiver!
Yep, gotta love a good solid Gen 8. Can’t beat 'em for durability.
Especially if they get the necessary upgrades like wiring, trigger switch, etc. Throw in a Singularity shell and you’re looking at a gearbox that’ll outlast religion.
My F2000 rebuild is going to be getting a monster Gen 8… but I’m going to need to do some serious noise dampening in that bullpup’s shell first.
Grab a cheekweld and your right ear is right next to the cylinder head. Deafening understatement.
You will need to do some work with the terminal plate for that kit, the one with it didn’t work well for me, more so that I couldn’t get the terminals to stay in place.
I ended up modelling a new plate that they clipped into, will see if I can find those files and post them.
I ended up selling my vector so swapped it to the other version with those Glock mags but have the same issue and haven’t bothered making another player yet.
That’s the very first thing I thought when seeing that Bullpup, gotta be a massive echo chamber that thing!
Plenty of sticky back foam/aluminium tape and a few cans of Expanda Foam will sort that out.
Regarding the Gen8 Gearboxes, you might remember my long term frustration about AR latches on the old Forum.
This was the only weak point that I could find in either the original Gen8 or Singularity nylon boxes, but 400+ FPS will create this in any nylon box no matter which manufacturer it comes from!
I did manage to find a bulletproof fix to keep pushing it to 450+ FPS and was still pushing further, but the bans put an end to all that.
The experimental parts out of the Gen8 were all swapped into my SKD M4SS as they were upgraded further in the “Little Pig” Gen8, and the M4SS was happily running at 370-380 FPS without any issues for a very long time, back when 270-280 was considered powerful within the hobby at the time.
Certainly don’t recommend it, and were only a bit of fun experimenting pushing the limits of the nylon gearboxes to find their weaknesses, which was a good learning tool on how to build “indestructible” 280-300 FPS gearboxes in the future.
@Friendly_Fire yeah for some reason even when shimmed well, the noise just escapes them and resonates in the hollow plastic so much too.
My M249 has nearly outlasted religion, bevel gear still has all the black coating but sounds like a beehive! Gearbox outside of the shell sounds good though. I’d even used a few packs of hot glue trying to add a dampening effect on the inside of the receiver where possible, sounds the same lol
@DChapo I did make a functional Glock mag version, but the mags just didn’t like to keep up with the rate of fire of the box I had in it. Then began the project to convert to a vector mag and just never finished it…
But yes the terminal plate was a dick from memory!
I did design a terminal plate that clips into the front of a gen8 for my HQ MP5k, converting it to ldt mp5 mags… wonder if it would work to save hassle in the mpx?!? Reckon I am onto something there!
Best of all, it just clips on, so all the wiring stays with the gearbox not the receiver.
Actually… that also means I forgot to mention I also have an MP5k gen8!
M249, Ump, mpx, and MP5k… all gen8s! Still all working… well the mpx is in a “rebuild phase” of existence haha!
I find this stuff layered on the inside of an ABS shell works well. Gets regular use on my builds and will probably be my go to on the F2000.
I’ve used it on M16A1 triangular handguards, M97 priming slides, an ABS EVO3 shell…
Doesn’t need any prep, a wet finger smooths it off, easy to put it where you want and not put it where you shouldn’t, it sound dampens and takes the lightweight cheap feel out of the plastic.
An added bonus is you can bed lead shot into it before it dries if you want to add significant weight to the build.
Did we use this on your M97 slide, @BME ?
Speaking of which, you still need to send me your postal details, as I’ve got some stuff to send out to @Maiphut , will take the opportunity to finally get those extra rare old HKI mags sorted for you and @BME I think it was?
Apologies, but my memory is shot, so I need a bit of a reminder on such things
From memory you were chasing a spare mag or two and @BME was after the twin coupled mags.
EDIT: I’ve just found BME’ s postal details, only missing yours @RokSolid to get things underway.