Monkee Mods Website

I’ve been looking around for the Monkee Mods website but every one I click on says the page is unavailable. Anyone know what’s happened?

Yes, it’s been down for quite a few weeks now, last heard of Nov/Dec 2022 stating that they were having “website issues” and would be back online very soon…. which is almost 2 months ago now :confused:
Has been asked by many overseas people looking to purchase having the same issue.

I have been keeping an eye on it and have even tried contacting the boss and the 2 other business partners to try and see what is going on with their business.

I do know that they were copping a lot of heat from the local government towards the end of last year and were having to restructure the way they advertised and sold/shipped blasters……. so I’m hoping that they have not been shut down through local Malaysian law enforcement :crossed_fingers:

Will keep trying to get in touch with them, but everything is down online still, so resorting to other means to get a message through :white_check_mark:


This is way back from November last year.

I took screenshots of everything as it went along, knowing that something wasn’t right for their usual business activity.

They even had to photoshop their images online to make their products look less realistic, or not actually post any product image at all :astonished:

SLR with photoshopped timber coloured handguard/magazine and buttstock to appease the powers that be.

Then to completely remove any images of their products was quite concerning.

From here they even resorted to not being able to send a complete operating blaster out of the box.
They were having to ship in broken down parts for the purchasers to assemble themselves, hence why being advertised as “DIY Kits”.

After watching this shitshow for so long now, I’m worried that maybe there’s possibly a cease and desist order put on them?

Won’t know until I get a reply back from the boys there.

They like me because I was a Platinum customer there for years, even though I only ordered small parts through them when they weren’t available elsewhere in Australia.

That’s a shitonne of $10-$70 max individual parts that I used to order for my builds…., had never even bought a complete Gelblaster from them, only thousands of small parts stock.

This was very handy being able to order in Malaysia overnight online and have the parts in my hands in rural Western Australia only 2-3 days later, unlike a month ex-east/QLD or up to 3 months from Zhenduo :roll_eyes:

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Thank you for letting me know and I really hope nothing bad has happened to them

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Yeah me too mate :crossed_fingers:
Dealt with them for quite a few years and never once had any issues with them :ok_hand:
Would be terrible to hear if the Government is shutting them down …… because I certainly know how that feels, along with many other good Australians here :cry:


Just got this reply back from them today.
It’s handy us West Aussies being in the same time zone when communicating with them :+1:

Asked a couple of short in depth questions, but this reply reads like an Auto Generated Response Email to me…… especially as hasn’t answered any questions I actually asked :thinking:

Still doesn’t shed any light on what’s going on with the business, but it’s definitely a lot more than the “Website being down” I would imagine :confused:

Websites don’t take months to fix, see what happens. :+1:

Yeah that’s the worrying part…… been since Nov/Dec last year and was looking very shaky leading up to that time as per my previous comments.

Still trying to get in touch with one of the three owners in person, but is proving difficult with my lack of online knowledge :roll_eyes:

I just hope that it’s only a temporary situation that they are in, as would be a sad loss for the hobby if they have been shut down :confused:

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Thanks, that seems to be a long technical issue that wouldn’t be bringing in any income for the boys for months now :thinking::confused:

Too much new year chasing Rabbits :rofl:

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Are they finally back online Brad?

Doh…… just popped up :roll_eyes:

Homer Simpson The Simpsons GIF - Homer Simpson The Simpsons Drooling GIFs

ahhh look at all the goodies!

Yeah…… bastards are teasing me with all the stuff that I can’t have :confused::joy:

hello im new here … are they still available ? it was my first time to buy with them … look around and found this forum… is monkee mod still up and running ?

Been a while since I ordered from them as although their prices were attractive the shipping cost got a bit outrageous for an Australian.
They always used to be good though.

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Monkee Mods used to be great for affordable hard to get accessories like handguards and stuff.

These days I find SixMM in Hong Kong cheaper and shipping charges a bit more reasonable… you just have to make sure what you’re buying from them is compatible with gel blasters and not specific to a/soft. :man_shrugging:

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